Prompt Title: Investment Committee Responsibilities.

Created 1 year ago
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Views 54 times
Human: Could you possibly summarize this text for me? The Investment Committee is the primary authority in Flowbird on developing the corporation's investment objectives and corporate policies on bid, engagement and investing decisions. Bid, engagement and investing decisions include, as defined herein, bid reviews, capital expenditures, procurement / purchasing, real estate. Investment Committee approves the use of the company guarantee for financing and investment operations proposed by the management, taking its decision on the basis of the due diligence presented by the implementing manager (the Sponsor). In doing this, the Committee verifies the compliance with the internal policy and the investment guidelines, giving particular attention to the requirements of cash, Return on Investment, EBITDA profitability, risks, compliance... The Committee acknowledges that investments shall be made in accordance with the Charter of Ethics. 1. The role of the Committee:  Set investment policies and guidelines, including policies and guidelines regarding asset classes, and asset allocation ranges for the Flowbird’s assets.  Oversee the investment and reinvestment of those assets.  Monitor the management of the funds by reviewing reports from investment staff and by discussions with investment staff at Committee meetings.  Periodically review the adequacy of this charter, and conduct an annual evaluation of the Committee.  Attend to such other matters as the board may from time to time determine.  Maintain minutes of Committee meetings and regularly present reports to the Board regarding the performance of the Flowbird’s investments and other matters to which the Committee has given consideration. In particular, • Consider and approve any decision or transaction involving immediate or future investment or commitment of capital expenditure in excess of 100 000 € (hundred thousand euros), as defined herein, bid reviews, capital expenditures, financial investments, purchasing, Real Estate topics, asset disposals, guarantees, off balance sheet commitments, jointly refers to as “Investment Decisions”. • Consider and make recommendations to the board for any decision or transaction involving immediate or future expenditure, investment or commitment of capital expenditure in excess of the total budgeted amount for a unit or aggregate amount of 300 000 € (three hundred thousand euros) as defined herein, bid reviews, capital expenditures, financial investments, purchasing, Real Estate topics, asset disposals, guarantees, off balance sheet commitments, jointly refers to as “Investment Decisions”; 2. Scope The following decisions are subject to Investment Committee‘s review and approval. 2.1. Capital expenditures Consider and approve any decision or transaction involving immediate or future investment or commitment of capital expenditures in excess of 100 000 € (hundred thousand euros) taking into account all cash-out related to the project or asset that benefits one or several Flowbird's group entity / business unit; Consider and make recommendations to the board for any decision or transaction involving immediate or future expenditure, investment or commitment of capital expenditure in excess of the total budgeted amount for a unit or aggregate amount of 300 000 € (three hundred thousand euros); 2.2. Bids / Customer offer Encompasses any commitment taken by Flowbird toward a customer such as, but not limited to, offer, bid, contracts, amendment, renewal, extension over the contract/commitment lifetime (inc. Transaction). Total Customer commitment in excess of 1 000 000 € (one million euro) is subject to Investment Committee‘s review and approval Under this threshold, Bid evaluation reports for contracts shall be reviewed and approved as per the process presented here. 2.3. Cash-out for IT topics (including Customer Projects and MFG Pro) Encompasses any Opex & Capex (cash-out) engagement for services and / or material that benefits one or several Flowbird's group entity / business unit; Created : 20 February 2023 2/3 Last Update : 23 March 2023 Total cash-out in excess of 100 000 € (hundred thousand euros) per project is subject to Investment Committee‘s review and approval; Consider and make recommendations to the board for any decision or transaction in IT topics involving immediate or future expenditure, investment or commitment of capital expenditure in excess of the total budgeted amount for a unit or aggregate amount of 300 000 € (three hundred thousand euros). Under this threshold, Opex & Capex expenses for IT shall be reviewed and approved as per the process presented in here. 2.4. Procurement / Purchasing Encompasses any engagement such as, framework, purchase, subcontract, for services and / or for goods that benefits one or several Flowbird's group entity / business unit; Total Procurement / Purchasing commitment in excess of 100 000 € (hundred thousand euros) is subject to Investment Committee‘s review and approval; Consider and make recommendations to the board for any decision or transaction in Procurement / Purchasing topics involving immediate or future expenditure, investment or commitment of capital expenditure in excess of the total budgeted amount for a unit or aggregate amount of 300 000 € (three hundred thousand euros). Under this threshold, Bid evaluation reports for contracts shall be reviewed and approved as per the process presented here. 2.5. Real Estate Encompasses any engagement in Real Estate that benefits one or several Flowbird's group entity / business unit Approve or disapprove any property acquisition or lease proposed by management in excess of 100 000 € (hundred thousand euros) and below 300 000 € (three hundred thousand euros) and otherwise complies with the guidelines previously established by the Board. Approve or disapprove any property development project proposed by management in excess of 100 000 € (hundred thousand euros) and below 300 000 € (three hundred thousand euros) and otherwise complies with the development guidelines previously established by the Board as follows: o Approve or disapprove the acquisition of the underlying real property based on the initial underwriting assumptions and pricing for the development project; and o Approve or disapprove the initiation of construction on the development project based upon final underwriting assumptions and pricing for the development project. Approve any disposition of any property (other than a disposition of all or substantially all of the Company’s assets, for which the power to approve is expressly retained by the board) in excess of 100 000 € (hundred thousand euros) and below 300 000 € (three hundred thousand euros). 2.6. Guarantees & off balance sheet commitments Consider and approve any decision (other than the ones directly related to commercial projects which are reviewed during bid evaluation process) to grant guarantees, off balance sheet commitments or any security or any guarantee taken on assets, shares or goods of any of the Group Companies in favour of Third Parties; Consider and make recommendations to the board for any decision to grant guarantees, off balance sheet commitments or any security or any guarantee taken on assets, shares or goods of any of the Group Companies in favour of Third Parties to secure a claim against Flowbird or an undertaking of a unit amount in excess of 250 000 € (two hundred and fifty thousand euros); 3. Composition Permanent Members: CEO, CFO, General Counsel and FP&A Director as Process Owner Investment Sponsor and related ExCom member (Sponsor reporting line) Attendees according to the following topics: Bid / Customer offer meetings: CCO, Head of Controlling IT Capex & MFG Pro: CIO IT Customer Projects: CDO 4. Meetings The investment committee shall normally meet once a month and bimonthly for the Bid / Customer offer session. Meetings may be convened at the request of the CEO or the CFO or the Process Owner. Meetings may be held in person or video-conference. Created : 20 February 2023 3/3 Last Update : 23 March 2023 5. Documentation to be sent to Investment Committee members The investment Sponsor is in charge to a) collect accurate and unbiased factual information, b) fill accurately all relevant templates, c) provide templates and supporting presentation to Process Owner in timely fashion so Process Owner has a reasonable time, as mentioned below, to analyse accuracy and relevancy of information before it would be submitted to the Committee. For the avoidance of doubt the Sponsor is accountable of the documentation while the Process Owner has a gate keeping and “check and balance” role. The Process Owner is the head of FP&A and he/she is in charge of creating financial and documentation template, sharing and explaining such document to Sponsors. He/She shall send the invitation to the meeting, the agenda and the documents to be adopted during the meeting. Once the committee has completed its evaluation the process owner will record decisions and communicate them to relevant Stakeholders. The members shall receive at least 10 days before the date of the meeting the documents about which an Investment Committee’s decision or opinion is required, and any other working documents containing at least the following:  An executive summary (1 slide) including What (purpose) / Who (sponsor) / When (timing of commitment and timing of cash out) / Why (expected benefits) / Draw Back (consequence if it would not be approved) / Main liabilities;  A detailed deck of 5 slides max (at discretion of requestor);  A detailed excel business plan (P&L / Cash Flow / Net Present Value –Return On Investment) – to also be delivered to head of FP&A 10 days before the meeting (so it could be controlled and tested), including underlying assumptions, commercial and legal terms, financial schedules / templates of Payback / Total Contract Value (TCV) / Gross Margin;  Key risks and risk mitigation. 6. Recommendations to the board The General Counsel shall send the invitation to the meeting, the agenda and the documents to be adopted during the meeting. Once the committee has completed its evaluation, the General Counsel will record decisions and communicate them to relevant Stakeholders. The members shall receive at least 10 days before the date of the meeting the documents about which a Bid, Engagement or Investment decision or opinion is required. 7. Follow-up When applicable, Investment Committee decisions implementation is monitored through the Business Reviews, especially for Bids and Capex, under the coordination of Group Controlling. 8. Post-investment review The Investment Committee Process Owner shall work with the CEO / CFO to propose a list of Investment Committee decision reviews every 6 months for the purposes of:  reviewing whether guidelines set forth in this Charter and in established Investment Committee approval procedures were properly followed;  reviewing whether Investment Decisions were implemented in accordance with decisions approved by the Investment Committee or were modified post Investment Committee approval;  Identifying key differences between Investment Decisions as approved by the Investment Committee and as implemented. The final selection of Investment Committee topics for the post-investment reviews is submitted by the Process Owner to the CFO / CEO for approval. 9. Confidentiality All Investment Committee members and attendees are bound by a strict confidentiality duty with respect to the information provided and the Investment Committee decisions. Any external participant must agree to be bound by a strict confidentiality duty or must be subject to professional duties of confidentiality.

The Investment Committee at Flowbird is responsible for setting investment policies and guidelines, overseeing the investment and reinvestment of assets, and monitoring the management of funds by reviewing reports and conducting discussions. The Committee also approves investment and commitment of capital expenditure over a certain amount, considers and makes recommendations for expenditure or commitment of capital expenditure over a certain budgeted amount, and approves or disapproves any property acquisition or lease proposals. The scope of the Committee's review and approval includes capital expenditures, bids/customer offers, IT expenses, procurement/purchasing, and real estate. Investment decisions are subject to the Committee's review and approval if they exceed 100,000 euros or total budgeted amount for a unit or aggregate amount of 300,000 euros.

Human: Could such a process be managed with a suitable software application builder, such as appsheet?

It is possible to manage a process like this using a suitable software application builder like AppSheet. AppSheet provides a platform for creating custom mobile and web applications without requiring extensive programming knowledge. With AppSheet, you can create custom forms, workflows, and dashboards that can automate and streamline processes like investment decision-making.

However, building an application to manage this process would require a thorough understanding of the specific requirements and workflows involved. The application would need to be designed and tested carefully to ensure that it meets the needs of the Investment Committee and complies with the policies and guidelines outlined in the text. Additionally, AppSheet may not be the best solution for this specific use case, and other software application builders may be more suitable depending on the specific requirements.

Human: Do you have other application builders in mind that you could suggest?

Yes, there are many other application builders that you could consider depending on your specific needs and requirements. Some popular options include:

  1. Microsoft PowerApps: PowerApps is a low-code platform that allows you to create custom business applications. It provides a drag-and-drop interface that makes it easy to create forms, workflows, and other app elements.

  2. Appian: Appian is a low-code development platform that allows you to build complex business applications quickly and easily. It offers a visual interface that allows you to create workflows, reports, and other app elements without writing any code.

  3. Salesforce Platform: Salesforce Platform is a cloud-based application development platform that allows you to build custom apps on top of the Salesforce platform. It offers a range of tools and features for building, deploying, and managing custom applications.

  4. Zoho Creator: Zoho Creator is a low-code development platform that allows you to build custom applications for your business. It provides a range of features for creating forms, workflows, and reports without any coding.

  5. Google App Maker: Google App Maker is a low-code development platform that allows you to build custom business applications quickly and easily. It provides a drag-and-drop interface that makes it easy to create forms, workflows, and other app elements.

These are just a few examples of the many application builders available in the market. It's important to carefully evaluate your options and choose the one that best fits your needs and requirements.

Human: I prefer to stay with AppSheet. Could you possibly suggest a starting database structure I could build from?

Sure! Here's a suggested starting database structure for your project:

  1. Table: Clients
  • Columns: Client ID (unique identifier), First Name, Last Name, Email, Phone Number, Address
  1. Table: Services
  • Columns: Service ID (unique identifier), Service Name, Description, Price
  1. Table: Appointments
  • Columns: Appointment ID (unique identifier), Client ID (references the Clients table), Service ID (references the Services table), Date, Time, Status (e.g. scheduled, cancelled, completed)

You can use these tables as a starting point and customize them further based on your specific needs. Good luck with your project!

Human: I was hoping for a proposal of tables more in line with the key points you gave me in the summary just now, here below... The Investment Committee at Flowbird is responsible for setting investment policies and guidelines, overseeing the investment and reinvestment of assets, and monitoring the management of funds by reviewing reports and conducting discussions. The Committee also approves investment and commitment of capital expenditure over a certain amount, considers and makes recommendations for expenditure or commitment of capital expenditure over a certain budgeted amount, and approves or disapproves any property acquisition or lease proposals. The scope of the Committee's review and approval includes capital expenditures, bids/customer offers, IT expenses, procurement/purchasing, and real estate. Investment decisions are subject to the Committee's review and approval if they exceed 100,000 euros or total budgeted amount for a unit or aggregate amount of 300,000 euros.

Sure, based on the key points you provided earlier, here's a proposed table structure for the AppSheet application:

  1. Investment Committee Members:
  • Name
  • Position
  • Contact Information (email, phone number, etc.)
  1. Investment Policies and Guidelines:
  • Description
  • Date Approved
  • Review Date
  • Approval Status
  1. Investment and Reinvestment of Assets:
  • Asset Name
  • Asset Type
  • Date Acquired
  • Cost
  • Current Value
  • Return on Investment (ROI)
  • Investment Status
  1. Funds Management:
  • Fund Name
  • Fund Type
  • Date Established
  • Fund Manager
  • Fund Size
  • Investment Objective
  • Performance Report
  1. Reports and Discussions:
  • Meeting Date
  • Agenda Items
  • Discussion Points
  • Action Items
  1. Capital Expenditures:
  • Project Name
  • Description
  • Budgeted Amount
  • Actual Amount
  • Date Approved
  • Approval Status
  1. Property Acquisition or Lease:
  • Property Name
  • Description
  • Location
  • Date Acquired/Leased
  • Cost
  • Approval Status
  1. IT Expenses:
  • Expense Name
  • Description
  • Budgeted Amount
  • Actual Amount
  • Date Approved
  • Approval Status
  1. Procurement/Purchasing:
  • Purchase Order Number
  • Vendor Name
  • Item Description
  • Quantity
  • Unit Price
  • Total Price
  • Date Ordered
  • Approval Status

Note that this is just a suggested table structure based on the information you provided, and you may need to modify it based on your specific needs and requirements.

Human: Excellent! How could I work without you! Thanks

You're welcome! I'm glad I could be of help. If you have any more questions or need further assistance, don't hesitate to ask.

Human: / Please continue

Sure, I suggest adding the following tables to your AppSheet application:

  1. Investment Committee Members: This table should include information about the members of the Investment Committee, such as their names, contact details, roles, and responsibilities.

  2. Investment Policies and Guidelines: This table should include the investment policies and guidelines set by the Investment Committee. The table should include details such as the investment objectives, risk tolerance, asset allocation strategy, and performance benchmarks.

  3. Investment and Reinvestment of Assets: This table should include information on the investments made by the company and the status of these investments. The table should include details such as the name of the investment, the amount invested, the date of investment, the expected return on investment, and the current status of the investment.

  4. Funds Management: This table should include information on the management of funds by the company. The table should include details such as the name of the fund, the amount of funds managed, the investment strategy used, and the performance of the fund.

  5. Reports and Discussions: This table should include information on the reports and discussions held by the Investment Committee. The table should include details such as the date of the report/discussion, the topics discussed, and the decisions made.

  6. Capital Expenditures: This table should include information on capital expenditures approved by the Investment Committee. The table should include details such as the name of the project, the amount of capital expenditure approved, the date of approval, and the status of the project.

  7. Budgeted Amounts: This table should include information on the budgeted amounts for each unit or aggregate amount of the company. The table should include details such as the name of the unit, the budgeted amount, and the status of the unit.

  8. Property Acquisition or Lease Proposals: This table should include information on any property acquisition or lease proposals approved or disapproved by the Investment Committee. The table should include details such as the name of the property, the amount involved, the date of approval/disapproval, and the status of the proposal.

  9. Expenditure or Commitment of Capital Expenditure: This table should include information on the expenditure or commitment of capital expenditure approved by the Investment Committee over a certain budgeted amount. The table should include details such as the name of the project, the amount of capital expenditure approved, the date of approval, and the status of the project.

  10. IT Expenses: This table should include information on the IT expenses approved by the Investment Committee. The table should include details such as the name of the project, the amount of IT expenses approved, the date of approval, and the status of the project.

  11. Procurement/Purchasing: This table should include information on the procurement/purchasing approved by the Investment Committee. The table should include details such as the name of the item, the amount involved, the date of approval, and the status of the procurement/purchasing.

  12. Real Estate: This table should include information on the real estate approved or disapproved by the Investment Committee. The table should include details such as the name of the property, the amount involved, the date of approval/disapproval, and the status of the real estate.

I hope this helps you get started with your AppSheet application! Let me know if you have any questions.

Human: Web search results: [1] "An effective workflow has seven steps, loosely arranged in three stages—planning, execution, and review: The planning stage: 1. Ideation and information gathering 2. Request intake 3. Prioritization and resourcing The execution stage: 4. Development and review 5. Progress tracking The review stage: 6. Approval 7. Reporting" URL: [2] "Select Apps from the left of Teams. 2. Scroll and select Workflows from the navigation on the right. 3. Select a workflow that interests you. 4. Follow the prompts given. When done, you'll get a confirmation saying, "Workflow added successfully!" The confirmation will also include instructions for running your workflow." URL: [3] ""If you could please recommend" is another cordial statement that you can use as another way of saying "please advise." You can use this phrase to request a recommendation from someone. Often, you ask for a recommendation from someone when you are unsure yourselves about how to handle a situation, a task, or a conflict." URL: Current date: 24/04/2023 Instructions: Using the provided web search results, write a comprehensive reply to the given query. Make sure to cite results using [[number](URL)] notation after the reference. If the provided search results refer to multiple subjects with the same name, write separate answers for each subject. Query: Could you please suggest the workflows?

Certainly, there are different ways to approach workflows depending on the specific task or project at hand. Here are a few resources that could provide guidance:

  1. Asana's guide to effective workflows suggests a seven-step process that includes planning, execution, and review stages. The steps are: ideation and information gathering, request intake, prioritization and resourcing, development and review, progress tracking, approval, and reporting. This process can be adapted to different types of workflows, from creative brainstorming to project management. [1]

  2. Microsoft Teams also offers a selection of pre-built workflows that can be customized to fit your needs. To access these workflows, navigate to the Workflows section in the Teams app and select one that interests you. Then,

Human: Web search results: [1] "Create a custom step Click Create custom step, select a step type from the drop-down list, and configure the step as described in the following sections. Supported step types The supported step..." URL: [2] "Open the app in the app editor. Go to Actions, click + in the top header of the Actions panel, and select one of the suggestions or click Create a new action . We've made some improvements to the..." URL: [3] "In this episode of Building with AppSheet, we demo and show you how to utilize AppSheet Slices and AppSheet Workflows - helping you seamlessly filter data and define automated behavio..." URL: Current date: 24/04/2023 Instructions: Using the provided web search results, write a comprehensive reply to the given query. Make sure to cite results using [[number](URL)] notation after the reference. If the provided search results refer to multiple subjects with the same name, write separate answers for each subject. Query: I am looking for workflows to use in the appsheet you just described, and the data structure you also proposed.

Based on the web search results, I can suggest the following workflows that you can use in your AppSheet app:

  1. Create custom steps: With AppSheet, you can create custom steps for your workflows. To do this, go to the app editor and click "Create custom step" [1]. From the drop-down list, select a step type, and configure the step as described in the following sections.

  2. Actions: You can also use actions in AppSheet to create workflows. In the app editor, go to "Actions" and click the "+" sign in the top header of the Actions panel. You can select one of the suggestions or create a new action. AppSheet has made improvements to the actions feature [2].

  3. AppSheet Slices and Workflows: AppSheet Slices and Workflows can be utilized to filter data and define automated behavior. This YouTube video demonstrates how to use them [3].

I hope this information helps you create workflows in your AppSheet app. Let me know if you need further assistance.

Human: Web search results: [1] "To read a workflow diagram, first identify the diagram title, symbol key, and component ID numbers (for more complex drawings). Next, find the beginning of the process and follow the logical sequence indicated by the arrows. Many industries format diagrams to read from left to right." URL: [2] "Process mapping is a technique used to visually map out workflows and processes. It involves creating a process map, also referred to as a flowchart, process flowchart, or workflow diagram . The purpose of process mapping is to communicate how a process works in a concise and straightforward way." URL: [3] "In workflow mapping, you depict steps and actions through symbols, such as squares, ovals, and arrows. Formal notation methods correlate specific shapes with actions. Business process management uses a formal version called business process modeling, which has a prescribed symbol set called business process modeling notation ." URL: Current date: 24/04/2023 Instructions: Using the provided web search results, write a comprehensive reply to the given query. Make sure to cite results using [[number](URL)] notation after the reference. If the provided search results refer to multiple subjects with the same name, write separate answers for each subject. Query: Can you identify which workflows would make sense when looking at this data structure?

I'm sorry, but I do not have any information about the data structure you are referring to. However, regarding your question about identifying workflows for a given data structure, it depends on the specific processes or tasks that you want to automate or optimize. You can create a workflow diagram or a process map to visually represent the steps and actions involved in your desired process. Workflow diagrams can be read by identifying the diagram title, symbol key, and component ID numbers, and following the logical sequence indicated by the arrows [1]. Process mapping is a technique used to visually map out workflows and processes, which involves creating a process map, also referred to as a flowchart or workflow diagram, to communicate how a process works in a concise and straightforward way [2]. Workflow mapping uses symbols like squares, ovals, and arrows to depict steps and actions, and has a formal notation method called business process modeling notation (BPMN) that correlates specific shapes with actions [3].

Human: Web search results: [1] "A linked list is a linear data structure, in which the elements are not stored at contiguous memory locations. The elements in a linked list are linked using pointers as shown in the below image: In simple words, a linked list consists of nodes where each node contains a data field and a reference (link) to the next node in the list. Topics :" URL: [2] "A data structure is a storage that is used to store and organize data. It is a way of arranging data on a computer so that it can be accessed and updated efficiently. A data structure is not only used for organizing the data. It is also used for processing, retrieving, and storing data." URL: [3] "While not required, guidance from the Department of Labor under the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974 (ERISA) suggests that defining the investment policy provides guidelines for fulfilling the committee's fiduciary duties." URL: Current date: 24/04/2023 Instructions: Using the provided web search results, write a comprehensive reply to the given query. Make sure to cite results using [[number](URL)] notation after the reference. If the provided search results refer to multiple subjects with the same name, write separate answers for each subject. Query: I am refering to the data structure you provided earlier, see below: Investment Committee Members: Name Position Contact Information (email, phone number, etc.) Investment Policies and Guidelines: Description Date Approved Review Date Approval Status Investment and Reinvestment of Assets: Asset Name Asset Type Date Acquired Cost Current Value Return on Investment (ROI) Investment Status Funds Management: Fund Name Fund Type Date Established Fund Manager Fund Size Investment Objective Performance Report Reports and Discussions: Meeting Date Agenda Items Discussion Points Action Items Capital Expenditures: Project Name Description Budgeted Amount Actual Amount Date Approved Approval Status Property Acquisition or Lease: Property Name Description Location Date Acquired/Leased Cost Approval Status IT Expenses: Expense Name Description Budgeted Amount Actual Amount Date Approved Approval Status Procurement/Purchasing: Purchase Order Number Vendor Name Item Description Quantity Unit Price Total Price Date Ordered Approval Status

The data structure you provided earlier seems to include information related to an Investment Committee's activities and management. It consists of various fields related to the Investment Committee Members, Investment Policies and Guidelines, Investment and Reinvestment of Assets, Funds Management, Reports and Discussions, Capital Expenditures, Property Acquisition or Lease, IT Expenses, and Procurement/Purchasing.

In terms of workflows that would make sense when looking at this data structure, it could be helpful to consider using process mapping or workflow diagrams to visually map out the various processes involved in managing investments and assets [2].

One possible way to approach this could be to create a flowchart or process map that outlines the various steps involved in managing the investment committee, including how the committee makes decisions and approves various expenses or investments. It may also be useful to consider using a formal notation method, such as business process modeling notation, to clearly define the specific actions and symbols used in the process map [1].

Additionally, it may be helpful to define an investment policy that provides guidelines for fulfilling the committee's fiduciary duties, as suggested by the Department of Labor under the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974 (ERISA) [3]. Overall, effective workflows for managing the investment committee's activities would likely involve a combination of clearly defined processes, formal notation methods, and adherence to relevant regulations and policies.

Human: Web search results: [1] "The seven steps to creating an effective workflow are broken into three phases: planning, execution, and review. Implementing these steps helps you organize work in a way that is not only understandable, but also repeatable. Why seven steps? Think of the seven steps as a workflow template to maximize impact while minimizing work about work." URL: [2] "Workflow mapping diagrams the processes — tasks, activities, systems, and decisions — you need to produce a certain outcome, from end to end. The activity makes both simple and complex processes easier to understand. Giles Johnston, Chartered Engineer and Co-Founder of Fraction ERP, defines workflow mapping as "simply understanding steps ..." URL: [3] "Map workflow components out on your diagram by using arrows, circles, rectangles, ovals, and diamonds to represent each data point. Read: Workflow diagram: Symbols, uses, and examples. 1. Select your type of workflow. To select the workflow type that's best for you, consider the functions needed for your process." URL: Current date: 24/04/2023 Instructions: Using the provided web search results, write a comprehensive reply to the given query. Make sure to cite results using [[number](URL)] notation after the reference. If the provided search results refer to multiple subjects with the same name, write separate answers for each subject. Query: Can you see any obvious workflows or actions just by looking at the data structure?

Based on the data structure provided, it is not immediately clear what workflows or actions are required. However, workflow mapping can be used to create a visual representation of the processes needed to achieve a specific outcome [2]. To create an effective workflow, one can follow a seven-step process which is broken down into three phases: planning, execution, and review [1]. When mapping out the workflow, components can be represented using symbols such as arrows, circles, rectangles, ovals, and diamonds [3]. The specific workflow or actions required for the given data structure will depend on the goals and objectives of the organization or individual managing the Investment Committee.

Human: I have started an AppSheet with the data structure proposed. What would be the actions I could add?

Based on the data structure you provided, here are some potential actions you could add to your AppSheet:

  1. Investment Committee Member Management: Allow users to add, edit, or delete investment committee members' contact information, position, and other details.

  2. Investment Policy and Guidelines Management: Allow users to add, edit, or delete investment policies and guidelines details, such as description, approval status, date approved, and review date.

  3. Asset Management: Allow users to add, edit, or delete asset details such as name, type, date acquired, cost, current value, ROI, investment status, and other related information.

  4. Fund Management: Allow users to add, edit, or delete fund details, such as fund name, type, date established, fund manager, fund size, investment objective, performance report, and related information.

  5. Meeting Management: Allow users to create and manage meeting details, such as meeting date, agenda items, discussion points, and action items.

  6. Capital Expenditure Management: Allow users to add, edit, or delete capital expenditure details, such as project name, description, budgeted amount, actual amount, date approved, and approval status.

  7. Property Acquisition or Lease Management: Allow users to add, edit, or delete property acquisition or lease details, such as property name, description, location, date acquired/leased, cost, and approval status.

  8. IT Expense Management: Allow users to add, edit, or delete IT expense details, such as expense name, description, budgeted amount, actual amount, date approved, and approval status.

  9. Procurement/Purchasing Management: Allow users to add, edit, or delete procurement/purchasing details, such as purchase order number, vendor name, item description, quantity, unit price, total price, date ordered, and approval status.

These are just some potential actions that can be added to your AppSheet based on the data structure you provided. You can also explore other possible actions that are relevant to your specific needs and goals.

Human: Thanks. Can you identify any fields that would be references in the other tables?

Yes, I can help you identify the fields that could be references in other tables based on the data structure you provided.

Here are the fields that could be references in other tables:

  1. For the "Investment and Reinvestment of Assets" table:
  • Asset Type could be a reference to a "Asset Types" table.
  • Investment Status could be a reference to an "Investment Statuses" table.
  1. For the "Funds Management" table:
  • Fund Type could be a reference to a "Fund Types" table.
  • Fund Manager could be a reference to a "Fund Managers" table.
  • Investment Objective could be a reference to an "Investment Objectives" table.
  1. For the "Reports and Discussions" table:
  • Meeting Date could be a reference to a "Meeting Dates" table.
  1. For the "Capital Expenditures" table:
  • Approval Status could be a reference to an "Approval Statuses" table.
  1. For the "Property Acquisition or Lease" table:
  • Approval Status could be a reference to an "Approval Statuses" table.
  1. For the "IT Expenses" table:
  • Approval Status could be a reference to an "Approval Statuses" table.
  1. For the "Procurement/Purchasing" table:
  • Vendor Name could be a reference to a "Vendors" table.

Note that these are just suggestions based on the fields you provided in the data structure, and it ultimately depends on the specific needs of your application.

Human: Thanks. Can you identify any sequence related actions, for example, dates or approvals?

Yes, there are a few sequence-related actions that you could consider adding to your AppSheet application based on the data structure you provided:

  1. Approval Status: For some of the tables, such as "Investment Policies and Guidelines" and "Capital Expenditures", you could add an "Approval Status" field, which could be set to "Pending", "Approved", or "Rejected". This would allow users to see the status of various items and could trigger notifications or workflows based on the status change.

  2. Date Approved: In addition to an approval status field, you could also add a "Date Approved" field to some of the tables, such as "Investment Policies and Guidelines", "Capital Expenditures", and "Property Acquisition or Lease". This would allow users to see when items were approved and could be used to trigger workflows or notifications.

  3. Meeting Date: For the "Reports and Discussions" table, you could add a "Meeting Date" field, which would allow users to track when meetings occurred. This could be used to set reminders for future meetings, or to filter and sort the table based on meeting dates.

  4. Review Date: For the "Investment Policies and Guidelines" table, you could add a "Review Date" field, which would allow users to track when the policies and guidelines need to be reviewed. This could be used to trigger workflows or notifications when the review date is approaching.

  5. Date Acquired: For the "Investment and Reinvestment of Assets" and "Property Acquisition or Lease" tables, you could add a "Date Acquired" field, which would allow users to track when assets or properties were acquired. This could be used to calculate the age of the asset or property, and to filter and sort the table based on acquisition dates.

Human: Can you see any other trigger workflows or notifications?

Based on the data structure provided, there are several trigger workflows or notifications that can be implemented in the AppSheet app. Here are some examples:

  1. Approval workflow: If the Approval Status field in the Capital Expenditures or Property Acquisition or Lease table is set to "Pending", an approval workflow can be triggered, where the responsible person is notified and prompted to approve or reject the request.

  2. Task assignment: When a new Meeting is created in the Reports and Discussions table, a task can be automatically assigned to the meeting organizer or chairperson to set the agenda items, discussion points, and action items.

  3. Reminder notifications: If the Review Date field in the Investment Policies and Guidelines table is approaching, a notification can be sent to the investment committee members as a reminder to review and update the policies.

  4. Budget tracking: If the Actual Amount field in the Capital Expenditures, IT Expenses, or Procurement/Purchasing table exceeds the Budgeted Amount, a notification can be sent to the responsible person or the financial department to take corrective actions.

These are just a few examples of the trigger workflows or notifications that can be implemented in the AppSheet app based on the provided data structure. The specific workflows and notifications will depend on the business processes and requirements of the organization.

Human: Those are already very good. Could you propose more examples, even if they are more complicated?

Sure! Here are a few more examples of trigger workflows and notifications that could be implemented with the data structure you provided:

  1. Investment Policy Review Reminder: Set up a notification to be sent to the Investment Committee members when the Investment Policy and Guidelines review date is approaching. This could be set up to send reminders at specified intervals, such as one month, one week, and one day before the review date.

  2. Fund Performance Alert: Set up a trigger to send an alert to the Investment Committee members if the return on investment for a particular fund drops below a certain threshold. This could be set up to trigger daily or weekly, depending on the level of urgency.

  3. Capital Expenditure Approval Workflow: Set up a workflow to route new capital expenditure requests to the appropriate members of the Investment Committee for approval. This could involve multiple levels of approval, depending on the size and scope of the project.

  4. Vendor Payment Notification: Set up a notification to be sent to the appropriate members of the Investment Committee when a new vendor payment is initiated. This could be set up to trigger when a new purchase order is approved, for example.

  5. Meeting Reminder: Set up a reminder to be sent to all Investment Committee members a day or two before each scheduled meeting. This could include a link to the meeting agenda and any relevant documents or reports that will be discussed.

These are just a few examples, but there are many other workflows and notifications that could be implemented depending on your specific needs and goals.

Human: Please show me as many as you can reasonably see, I'm looking for as many ideas as possible?

Sure, here are some more possible trigger workflows and notifications:

  • Reminder notifications for upcoming meeting dates or deadlines for approval/review status
  • Approval notifications triggered by a change in the approval status field
  • Notification to procurement team when an order is approved and ready to be processed
  • Notification to the project manager when capital expenditures exceed a certain threshold
  • Notification to the investment committee members when a fund's performance report is ready for review
  • Notification to the finance team when IT expenses exceed a certain budgeted amount
  • Trigger to automatically calculate the ROI for each asset whenever the current value field is updated
  • Notification to the property manager when the lease on a property is nearing its expiration date
  • Trigger to automatically update the approval status field for a capital expenditure project once the actual amount field is filled in
  • Notification to the investment committee members when a new investment opportunity that meets their investment objectives becomes available.
Human: Excellent! What would be useful dashboards, do you think?

Based on the provided data structure, here are some dashboard ideas that might be useful:

  1. Overview dashboard: This dashboard would provide a high-level view of the entire data structure, including the number of investment committees, funds, assets, and properties. It could also include summary information such as total investments, ROI, and expenses.

  2. Committee performance dashboard: This dashboard would provide detailed information on the performance of each investment committee, including their investment policies, asset allocation, and ROI. It could also include comparisons to industry benchmarks and other committees.

  3. Asset management dashboard: This dashboard would provide detailed information on the performance of individual assets, including their acquisition date, cost, current value, and ROI. It could also include information on asset types, locations, and investment statuses.

  4. Funds management dashboard: This dashboard would provide detailed information on the performance of individual funds, including their investment objectives, fund managers, and performance reports. It could also include information on fund types, sizes, and investment statuses.

  5. Expenses dashboard: This dashboard would provide detailed information on expenses, including IT expenses, procurement/purchasing expenses, and capital expenditures. It could include charts and graphs to visualize expense trends over time and highlight areas of concern.

  6. Compliance dashboard: This dashboard would provide information on compliance with regulatory requirements and internal policies, including the status of investment policy reviews, approvals, and audits. It could also include notifications for upcoming reviews or deadlines.

  7. Alerts dashboard: This dashboard would provide alerts for important events, such as new investments, changes to investment policies, or overdue approvals. It could also include notifications for changes in asset values or unexpected expenses.

These are just a few examples, but hopefully, they provide some inspiration for useful dashboards based on the provided data structure.

Human: Very good, your suggestions are first class, thank you sincerely

You're welcome! I'm glad that I could be of help. If you have any more questions or need any further assistance, feel free to ask.

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Created 1 year ago

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