Prompt Title: Convert .set to .m

Created 1 year ago
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Prompt Detail:

To convert a MATLAB EEG data file in .set format to .m format without the help of EEGLAB, you can use the MATLAB function save to save the data in a .mat file format.

Here is an example MATLAB code that demonstrates how to convert a .set file to a .mat file:

% Load the .set file EEG = pop_loadset('mydata.set'); % Extract the data from the EEG structure data =; % Extract the channel names from the EEG structure channel_names = {EEG.chanlocs.labels}; % Extract the sampling rate from the EEG structure sampling_rate = EEG.srate; % Save the EEG data in .mat file format save('mydata.mat', 'data', 'channel_names', 'sampling_rate');

In this example, 'mydata.set' is the name of the .set file that you want to convert, and 'mydata.mat' is the name of the .mat file that will be generated. You can replace these filenames with the names of your own files.

The save function saves the data, channel names, and sampling rate in a .mat file format. You can later load the data using the load function:

% Load the data from the .mat file load('mydata.mat'); % Create an EEG structure = data; for i = 1:length(channel_names) EEG.chanlocs(i).labels = channel_names{i}; end EEG.srate = sampling_rate;

This code loads the data from the .mat file, creates an EEG structure, and sets the data, channel names, and sampling rate. You can then use the EEG structure for further analysis in MATLAB.

Shared 3 prompts
Created 1 year ago

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