Prompt Title: Change Rails I18n Transliteration

Created 1 year ago
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Prompt Detail:

Yes, you can configure Rails to use the "cy" translation automatically when the "dy" translation is not found. This can be achieved by implementing a custom fallback mechanism in your Rails application.

Rails uses the I18n gem for localization and provides a way to configure fallbacks when a translation is not found. You can define a fallback locale or a fallback hierarchy that Rails should use when it fails to find a translation for a specific locale. Here's an example:

# config/application.rb config.i18n.fallbacks = { dy: :cy }

In this example, we configure Rails to use the "cy" locale as a fallback for the "dy" locale. This means that if a translation is not found for a specific key in the "dy" locale, Rails will automatically look for the translation in the "cy" locale and use it as a fallback.

You can also configure multiple fallbacks or even define a fallback hierarchy using an array. Here's an example:

# config/application.rb config.i18n.fallbacks = { dy: [:cy, :en] }

In this example, Rails will first try to find the translation in the "dy" locale. If not found, it will then look for the translation in the "cy" locale, and if still not found, it will fallback to the "en" locale.

By setting up fallbacks in this way, you can ensure that Rails automatically uses the "cy" translation when the "dy" translation is not available, without needing to manually override translations or modify the database records. However, keep in mind that fallbacks should be used judiciously and with careful consideration of your application's localization requirements to ensure that the translations accurately represent the intended meaning and context.

Praveen Joshi
Shared 1 prompt
Created 1 year ago

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