Prompt Detail:
To calculate the days of the week that fall on the 2nd of each month from May 1st to October 31st, 2023, we can use an online date calculator tool [1]. Here are the steps:
- Start with May 2nd, 2023, which falls on a Monday [1].
- Add one month to May 2nd, which gives us June 2nd, 2023.
- Determine the day of the week that June 2nd falls on, which is a Friday [1].
- Repeat steps 2 and 3 for July, August, September, and October 2nd.
Here are the resulting days of the week for each 2nd of the month from May to October 2023:
- May 2, 2023: Monday
- June 2, 2023: Friday
- July 2, 2023: Sunday
- August 2, 2023: Wednesday
- September 2, 2023: Saturday
- October 2, 2023: Monday
Please note that the above dates and days of the week are based on the US standard week number calculation [1]. Also, the date calculator tool allows for customization based on different time zones and weekend schedules [1].