Prompt Title: Christian Education Lesson Plan.

Created 1 year ago
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Prompt Detail:

Grade Level: 6-8

Time: 45 minutes


  1. Understand the importance of Christian education in the 21st century
  2. Identify ways in which Christian education differs from secular education
  3. Learn how to apply Christian values and principles to their daily lives
  4. Develop critical thinking skills when it comes to choosing what to learn and how to apply it


  1. Whiteboard and markers
  2. Handout on Christian education principles
  3. Computer and projector for video presentation
  4. Bible

Introduction: Begin by asking the students what they think Christian education is and why it's important. Write their answers on the whiteboard. Explain that Christian education is more than just attending a Christian school or having Bible classes. It's about applying Christian principles to everything we learn and do. Show a short video clip that demonstrates how Christian education is different from secular education.

Instruction: Hand out the Christian education principles handout. Review each principle, and ask the students to give examples of how they can apply them to their daily lives. Use the whiteboard to write their answers. Refer to specific verses from the Bible to support the principles. Emphasize the importance of developing critical thinking skills when it comes to choosing what to learn and how to apply it. Show another video clip that explains how to develop critical thinking skills.

Practice Exercises: Divide the class into small groups. Assign each group a topic from the handout, and ask them to come up with a creative way to present it to the class. The presentation should include an explanation of the topic, examples of how to apply it to daily life, and references to Bible verses that support it.

Assessment: Administer a quiz that tests the students' understanding of the Christian education principles. The quiz should include multiple-choice questions and short-answer questions. Allow the students to use their handouts and Bibles to answer the questions.

Extensions Beyond the Class: Assign a research project on Christian education in other parts of the world. Ask the students to find out how Christian education is practiced in other cultures and religions. They can present their findings in a written report or a multimedia presentation.

Interactive Fun Activities: Play a game of Bible Jeopardy to reinforce the principles covered in class. Divide the class into two teams and assign point values to different categories, such as Christian history, Bible verses, and Christian values. Use a buzzer system to indicate which team gets to answer each question. The team with the most points at the end of the game wins. Here's a video link that shows how to play Bible Jeopardy:

Donald Myers
Shared 1 prompt
Created 1 year ago

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