Prompt Title: List Non-Inherited File Permissions.

Created 1 year ago
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Prompt Detail:

To backup files that will be overwritten during a robocopy operation, you can use the /CREATE parameter to create a backup copy of each file that would otherwise be overwritten.

Here's an example command that will backup all files that will be overwritten during the robocopy operation to a separate backup folder:

robocopy source_folder destination_folder /copyall /S /DCOPY:T /FP /NP /XX /XD "source_folder\folder_to_exclude" /XF *.txt /NJH /NDL /CREATE /MOVE /LOG+:log.txt /TEE /R:2 /W:5 robocopy destination_folder backup_folder /copyall /S /DCOPY:T /FP /NP /XX /XD "destination_folder\folder_to_exclude" /XF *.txt /NJH /NDL /LOG+:log.txt /TEE /R:2 /W:5 robocopy source_folder destination_folder /copyall /S /DCOPY:T /FP /NP /XX /XD "source_folder\folder_to_exclude" /XF *.txt /NJH /NDL /LOG+:log.txt /TEE /R:2 /W:5

This command performs the following steps:

  1. The first robocopy command uses the /CREATE parameter to create a backup copy of each file that would otherwise be overwritten during the copy operation. The /MOVE parameter ensures that any backed up files are moved to the backup folder, rather than remaining in the source folder. The /LOG+ parameter specifies the log file to use and appends to it, while /TEE displays the output in the console and in the log file. The /R:2 and /W:5 parameters specify the number of retries and wait time between retries, respectively.

  2. The second robocopy command copies the backed up files from the destination folder to the backup folder. This ensures that the backup folder contains all files that will be overwritten during the copy operation.

  3. The third robocopy command performs the actual copy operation, with the same parameters as the first command but without the /CREATE parameter.

Note that you will need to modify the backup_folder path to match the location where you want to save the backup files.

Shared 6 prompts
Created 1 year ago

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