Prompt Title: Module 'path' not found.

Created 1 year ago
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Prompt Detail:

To display TIFF images in an Angular application in Chrome, you can use the ngx-extended-pdf-viewer library, which supports rendering TIFF files along with other document formats. Here's how you can integrate it into your project:

Step 1: Install the library In your project directory, run the following command to install the ngx-extended-pdf-viewer library:

npm install ngx-extended-pdf-viewer

Step 2: Import the module In your Angular module file (e.g., app.module.ts), import the ExtendedPdfViewerModule from the ngx-extended-pdf-viewer library:

import { ExtendedPdfViewerModule } from 'ngx-extended-pdf-viewer'; @NgModule({ imports: [ // other imports... ExtendedPdfViewerModule ], // ... }) export class AppModule { }

Step 3: Use the component In your Angular component's template file (e.g., app.component.html), add the <ngx-extended-pdf-viewer> component and specify the source of the TIFF image using the src attribute:

<ngx-extended-pdf-viewer [src]="'path/to/your/tiff/file.tif'"></ngx-extended-pdf-viewer>

Replace 'path/to/your/tiff/file.tif' with the actual path to your TIFF file.

That's it! Save your changes and run your Angular application. The TIFF image should now be displayed in the Chrome browser using the ngx-extended-pdf-viewer component.

Note: The ngx-extended-pdf-viewer library is primarily designed for displaying PDF documents, but it also supports TIFF files and other formats. By leveraging this library, you can easily render TIFF images in your Angular application using the same viewer component.

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Created 1 year ago

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