Prompt Title: PPC Client Onboarding Checklist

Created 1 year ago
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Human: You are a ppc specialist, provide a checklist for new clients for a ppc marketing agency

Sure, I'll be happy to provide you with a checklist that you can use when onboarding new clients for a PPC marketing agency:

1. Business and Marketing Goals Understanding:

  • Understand the client's business, target market, unique selling propositions.
  • Understand their past and current marketing initiatives.
  • Understand their digital marketing goals (brand awareness, lead generation, e-commerce sales, etc.).

2. Google Ads/Bing Ads Account Access:

  • Request access to existing Google Ads/Bing Ads account if any. If not, guide them on creating one.

3. Website and Landing Page Evaluation:

  • Review the client's website and landing pages for relevance, usability, and conversion optimization.
  • Check for analytics and tracking setups.

4. Google Analytics Access:

  • Request access to Google Analytics account. If not present, assist them in creating and integrating one.
  • Set up conversion tracking.

5. Google Tag Manager Setup:

  • Verify if Google Tag Manager is setup and correctly configured. If not, assist in setting it up.

6. Google Search Console and Google My Business Access:

  • Request access to these accounts, if available. They provide valuable data for your PPC campaigns.

7. Competitor Analysis:

  • Understand who the main competitors are and what strategies they are using.

8. Keyword Research:

  • Conduct extensive keyword research based on the client's products/services.

9. PPC Strategy Development:

  • Based on all the above data, develop a comprehensive PPC strategy.

10. Account Structure:

  • Plan your account structure, including campaigns, ad groups, and keywords.

11. Ad Copywriting:

  • Create compelling, relevant ad copy.

12. Landing Page Recommendations:

  • If required, make recommendations for improving the landing page or suggest creating a new one.

13. Bid Strategy and Budget Recommendations:

  • Make recommendations for bid strategy and budget based on the client's goals and your keyword research.

14. Setup of Remarketing Campaigns:

  • If the client's goals align, setup remarketing campaigns in Google Ads.

15. Reporting and KPIs:

  • Setup an initial PPC report template and agree on key performance indicators (KPIs).

16. Regular Communication:

  • Establish communication frequency and methods, such as email updates, monthly reports, and quarterly strategy sessions.

17. Training and Education:

  • If required, train the client on the basics of PPC and Google Ads so they understand what you're doing and why.

The specifics of each point will vary depending on the client's industry, target audience, and goals. It's important to keep the lines of communication open so that the client is always up-to-date and can provide feedback or request changes as needed.

Human: You are a seo specialist, provide a checklist for new clients for a seo marketing agency

Sure, I'll be glad to provide you with a checklist that you can use when onboarding new clients for an SEO marketing agency:

1. Understanding the Business:

  • Understand the client's business model, target audience, and unique selling propositions.
  • Understand their marketing and specifically digital marketing goals.
  • Understand their past and current SEO efforts.

2. Website Audit:

  • Conduct a comprehensive website audit to identify potential technical SEO issues.

3. Access to Essential Tools:

  • Request access to Google Analytics, Google Search Console, and Bing Webmaster Tools.
  • Setup these tools if they are not already in place.

4. Keyword Research:

  • Conduct a detailed keyword research based on the client's products/services and target audience.

5. Competitor Analysis:

  • Identify main competitors and analyze their SEO strategies to spot opportunities.

6. SEO Strategy Development:

  • Develop a customized SEO strategy based on the audit findings, keyword research, and competitor analysis.

7. On-Page SEO:

  • Plan for meta tag optimization, header tags, keyword optimization, etc.

8. Technical SEO:

  • Plan for improving site speed, mobile optimization, schema markup, XML sitemap, robots.txt, etc.

9. Off-Page SEO:

  • Plan for link building strategies, guest posting, social media promotion, etc.

10. Content Strategy:

  • Develop a content strategy that aligns with the chosen keywords and client's goals.

11. Local SEO:

  • If the client serves a local market, setup/optimise Google My Business and other local SEO tactics.

12. Reporting and KPIs:

  • Setup an initial SEO report template and agree on Key Performance Indicators (KPIs).

13. Regular Communication:

  • Establish communication frequency and methods like email updates, monthly reports, and quarterly strategy meetings.

14. Training and Education:

  • If required, train the client on the basics of SEO so they can understand your work better.

This checklist should be adapted based on the specifics of the client's industry, target audience, and business goals. It's crucial to maintain transparent and regular communication to keep the client updated and make necessary changes based on their feedback.

Human: You are a website design specialist, provide a checklist for new clients for website design marketing agency

Sure, I'd be happy to provide you with a checklist that you can use when onboarding new clients for a website design agency:

1. Understanding the Business:

  • Understand the client's business model, target audience, and unique selling propositions.
  • Understand their past and current web design and its impact on their business.
  • Understand their goals for the new website.

2. Analysis of the Current Website (if available):

  • Analyze the design, structure, content, and performance of the existing website.

3. Benchmarking and Competitor Analysis:

  • Evaluate competitor websites to understand industry trends and customer expectations.

4. Defining the Website's Goals:

  • Identify the goals of the website in terms of business growth, customer engagement, brand awareness, lead generation, etc.

5. Developing User Personas:

  • Understand who the target users are and what their needs, motivations, and behaviors are.

6. Content Inventory and Strategy:

  • Determine what content currently exists, what needs to be updated, and what new content needs to be created.

7. Website Structure:

  • Develop a sitemap outlining the website's structure, including main and sub-pages.

8. Wireframing:

  • Create wireframes for each page to provide a visual guide of the intended design.

9. Visual Design and Branding:

  • Create design mockups that reflect the client's brand identity and are visually engaging.

10. Mobile Responsiveness:

  • Ensure the design is mobile-friendly and performs well on different devices.

11. SEO-friendly Design:

  • Consider SEO principles in the design process, such as fast load times and proper use of HTML elements.

12. Website Development:

  • Upon client's approval of the design, start the coding process.

13. Integration with Other Systems:

  • If necessary, integrate the website with other systems such as CRM, eCommerce, etc.

14. Testing:

  • Thoroughly test the website for functionality, usability, and compatibility issues.

15. Analytics Setup:

  • Install Google Analytics or other tracking tools to monitor website performance.

16. Training and Handover:

  • Train the client on how to manage the website, add content, etc. and handover all the necessary details.

17. Launch:

  • After final approval, make the website live.

18. Post-Launch Support:

  • Provide ongoing support for any issues that may arise after the website goes live.

It's crucial to maintain regular communication with the client throughout this process to get their feedback and make necessary changes. The specifics of each point may vary based on the client's industry, target audience, and specific needs.

Human: You are a email marketing specialist, provide a checklist for new client for a marketing agency

Absolutely, here is a checklist that you can use when onboarding new clients for an email marketing agency:

1. Understanding the Business:

  • Understand the client's business model, their products/services, target audience, and unique selling propositions.
  • Understand their marketing and specifically email marketing goals.
  • Understand their past and current email marketing efforts.

2. Email Marketing Platform:

  • Identify which email marketing platform they're currently using, or recommend the best fit if they haven't chosen one.

3. Access to Email Marketing Tools:

  • Request access to their email marketing platform, CRM system, and any other relevant tools.

4. Subscriber List Review:

  • Evaluate the current subscriber list. Understand the source of these subscribers, and whether they've opted in to receive emails.

5. Subscriber List Segmentation:

  • Segment the subscriber list based on relevant criteria like demographics, past purchases, engagement with previous emails, etc.

6. Email Marketing Strategy:

  • Develop a comprehensive strategy that aligns with the client's goals and audience's needs.

7. Content Calendar:

  • Create a content calendar outlining when emails will be sent, what they will contain, etc.

8. Email Template Design:

  • Design visually appealing and responsive email templates that reflect the client's brand identity.

9. Subject Line and Preheader Text:

  • Craft compelling subject lines and preheader text to improve email open rates.

10. Email Copywriting:

  • Write engaging and persuasive email copy that motivates subscribers to take action.

11. Call to Action:

  • Ensure each email has a clear and compelling Call to Action (CTA).

12. Email Automation:

  • Set up email automations for key customer journey touchpoints, like welcome emails, abandoned cart emails, etc.

13. GDPR Compliance:

  • Ensure all email marketing activities comply with GDPR and other relevant data privacy regulations.

14. A/B Testing:

  • Plan for A/B testing to optimize subject lines, email content, send times, etc.

15. Analytics and Reporting:

  • Set up tracking for key metrics like open rate, click-through rate, conversions, etc. Prepare regular reports based on these metrics.

16. Regular Communication:

  • Establish a regular communication schedule with the client to keep them updated on progress and results.

17. Training and Education:

  • If necessary, train the client on the basics of email marketing and the specific tools you're using.

This checklist should be customized based on the specifics of the client's industry, target audience, and business goals. It's essential to keep the lines of communication open so that the client can provide feedback, and changes can be made as needed.

Human: you are a social media specialist for b2b, provide a checklist for new clients for a b2b marketing agency

Absolutely! Here's a checklist for onboarding new B2B clients for a social media marketing agency:

1. Understanding the Business:

  • Understand the client's business model, products/services, target audience, and unique selling propositions.
  • Understand their overall marketing and specific social media marketing goals.
  • Understand their past and current social media efforts.

2. Social Media Audit:

  • Evaluate the client's existing social media presence, performance, and engagement.

3. Social Media Platform Access:

  • Request access to the client's existing social media accounts, or guide them on creating new ones if necessary.

4. Competitor Analysis:

  • Analyze the client's key competitors' social media strategies to understand industry trends and to identify opportunities.

5. Target Audience:

  • Understand who the client is trying to reach, including job roles, industries, company sizes, geographic locations, etc.

6. Social Media Strategy:

  • Develop a social media strategy aligned with the client's goals, audience, and brand voice.

7. Content Calendar:

  • Create a content calendar outlining the frequency of posts, types of content, and specific themes or topics.

8. Content Creation:

  • Develop engaging, shareable content tailored to each platform.

9. Visual Design:

  • Design visually appealing images, infographics, or videos that reflect the client's brand identity.

10. Post Scheduling:

  • Use social media management tools to schedule posts for optimal engagement times.

11. Engagement Strategy:

  • Develop a plan for engaging with followers, including response to
Shared 1 prompt
Created 1 year ago

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