Prompt Title: Polish Report

Created 1 year ago
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Prompt Detail:

The below is my template on how I format my reports to my client: Ladies, Please accept the following as a daily update regarding Dorothy Sexton. For breakfast, she had oatmeal and fruit with a glass of water. Afterward, Dorothy went to occupational therapy. Dorothy did okay had a hard time following directions and her walking was very poor. For lunch, she had a pizza with a glass of water. Overall her day was okay. Dorothy had trouble walking and understanding. According to the night aide, she ate dinner in her room. During the night she woke up 2 times to use the bathroom and drank half a cup of water. Usually, Dorothy will use the bedside command when she has to use the bathroom but she preferred to walk to use the restroom. I want to rewrite the below without making many changes to the report. Keep the style the same as the sample report I provided. Make sure is grammatical makes sense and the sentence flows. Here is the new report that I want you to make changes to based on my instructions.: Ladies, Please accept the following as a daily update regarding Dorothy Sexton. For breakfast, she enjoyed oatmeal and fruit with a glass of water. For Lunch, she had turkey sandwich and coleslaw with a glass of water. Dessert ice cream. Dinner was beef and mashed potatoes, and she had a slice of pie for dessert. She mainly stayed in her room just relaxing. In terms of her mood, she was generally okay. Dorothy seemed to improve a bit more. Still coughing not too much. Also, Dorothy did some walking again today. She is just struggling with communicating. She is off and on talking with me. She is like zoning out sometimes. According to the night aide, during the night she used the bathroom 2 times and drank a cup of water. This concludes the update.
Chris H
Shared 2 prompts
Created 1 year ago

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