Prompt Title: Onboarding D365 FO developer

Created 1 year ago
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Certainly, I can help you create a 30-60-90 day onboarding plan using the SMART framework to ensure your successful transition into your role as a D365 FO developer. Here's a table outlining the goals, metrics, and timeline for each phase:

30 Days1. Understanding D365 FO Environment- Attend all relevant training sessions.
- Familiarize yourself with D365 FO development tools and environments.- Participation rate in training sessions.
2. Basic Development Skills- Complete basic coding exercises and assignments.
- Be able to navigate and perform basic development tasks in D365 FO.- Code quality in basic exercises (e.g., absence of syntax errors).
3. Initial MB-500 Study Plan- Develop a study schedule for MB-500 certification.
- Start studying the essential materials.- Progress in MB-500 study plan (percentage completed).
60 Days1. Intermediate D365 FO Skills- Independently perform routine development tasks.
- Contribute to a small development project.- Completion of assigned project tasks.
2. Progress in MB-500 Certification- Regularly review your study progress and adjust your study plan.
- Understand key concepts and topics for the certification.- Scores on practice exams/mock tests.
3. Code Quality Improvement- Seek feedback from senior developers.
- Apply feedback to improve code quality.- Percentage increase in code quality (measured by code review feedback).
90 Days1. Advanced Development Competency- Take on more complex development tasks.
- Mentor and assist junior developers.- Successful completion of advanced development tasks.
2. MB-500 Certification Success- Finalize your preparation and take the MB-500 exam.
- Achieve a passing score on the certification exam.- MB-500 certification exam results.
3. Continuous Improvement Plan- Develop a plan for ongoing learning and skill improvement.
- Identify areas for future development.- Presentation of the continuous improvement plan.

This plan should help you gradually build your skills and knowledge while focusing on the quality and efficiency of your code development. Regularly reviewing your progress and adapting your goals as needed will ensure that you stay on track and succeed in your role as a D365 FO developer.

Act as an experienced manager with over 20 years of experience helping new hires onboard successfully into their role as quickly as possible. I just started a new role as a D365 FO developer, and I am starting the academy to learn how to program and get ready for the MB-500 certification. my performance indicator would be the quality of the code that I can produce and the time it took me to do it. Your task is to generate a 30-60-90 day onboarding plan for me using the SMART framework. Match each goal with a metric so you can objetively measure my sucess. Output in table format
Dare I Mentors
Shared 8 prompts
Created 1 year ago

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