Prompt Title: booking page

Created 1 year ago
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Prompt Detail:

Great to hear that it's resolved!

Now, let's continue building your booking page. Here's a potential sequence of next steps based on what we've discussed so far:

1. Detail Display:

  • User and Booking Details: Assuming you have already set up the repeating group to show booking details, you might want to ensure you display all the relevant booking details like:
    • Booking Date & Time
    • Location
    • Service Details
    • Pet's photo (which you mentioned earlier)

2. Action Items:

  • Modify Booking: If you wish to let users modify their bookings, you can add an "Edit" button next to each booking which pops up an input form allowing changes to the existing booking.

  • Cancel Booking: Users might need the flexibility to cancel their bookings. A simple "Cancel" button can be added to each booking, which, when clicked, triggers a workflow to delete or mark that booking as canceled in your database.

  • Add New Booking: If you'd like users to add a new booking from this page, consider adding a "New Booking" button. Clicking this can either redirect users to a new booking page or pop up a form on the current page.

3. User Profile and Pet Profiles:

  • Link to Profile: Allow users to navigate to their main profile to update their personal details or pet profiles. This can be a link or a button saying "My Profile" or something similar.

  • Manage Pet Profiles: As you've mentioned before that users can create profiles for their pets, you might want to provide a link or button for "Manage My Pets" that takes them to a page or section where they can view, add, or edit pet profiles.

4. Notifications & Feedback:

  • Booking Confirmation: If not already implemented, consider providing a confirmation message whenever a new booking is made, edited, or canceled.

  • User Feedback: Allow users to provide feedback on their bookings or services. This can be in the form of a rating system or a feedback form.

5. Additional Enhancements:

  • Search & Filter: Depending on the number of bookings a user might have, you could implement a search or filter feature that lets users quickly find a specific booking based on date, location, or service type.

  • Sorting: Give users the option to sort their bookings, either chronologically, by service type, or by pet.

Once these are in place, you should have a functional booking page that offers a comprehensive user experience. After this, you can consider additional features or refinements based on user feedback or as your platform grows.

Would you like to deep dive into any specific section or proceed with these suggestions step by step?

Shared 1 prompt
Created 1 year ago

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