Prompt Title: parties involved in settlement

Created 1 year ago
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Prompt Detail:

The settlement of a transaction involves several entities working together to ensure the successful transfer of funds between the parties involved. Here's a breakdown of the roles of each entity in the settlement process:

  1. Customer/Cardholder: The individual making the purchase initiates the transaction by providing payment details, such as credit card information or bank account details.

  2. Merchant: The seller or service provider that accepts payments from customers. The merchant initiates the transaction by sending the payment details to the payment processor.

  3. Payment Processor: This intermediary verifies and authorizes the transaction. Once authorized, the payment processor communicates with the acquiring bank and the issuing bank to facilitate the settlement.

  4. Acquiring Bank (Merchant's Bank): The bank that maintains the merchant's account. It receives the transaction details from the payment processor and ensures that the funds are transferred to the merchant's account.

  5. Issuing Bank (Customer's Bank): The bank that issued the customer's credit card. It receives the authorization request from the payment processor and verifies whether the customer has sufficient funds or credit to complete the transaction.

  6. Card Associations (e.g., Visa, MasterCard): In credit card transactions, these organizations set the rules and standards that govern the payment process. They facilitate communication between the acquiring and issuing banks.

  7. Clearing House: A financial institution or entity that acts as an intermediary between the acquiring and issuing banks, facilitating the clearing and settlement of transactions. It ensures that funds are transferred appropriately.

  8. Interbank Network: In the case of electronic funds transfers (EFT) or ACH transactions, an interbank network facilitates the movement of funds between banks.

  9. Payment Gateway: In online transactions, a payment gateway securely transmits the payment details between the merchant's website and the payment processor, ensuring a smooth flow of information.

  10. Central Bank (optional): In some cases, the central bank may play a role in clearing and settling high-value transactions between banks.

The settlement process involves the coordination and collaboration of these entities to ensure that funds are transferred accurately and securely from the customer's account to the merchant's account. Each entity has specific responsibilities in verifying, authorizing, and settling the transaction to facilitate smooth and reliable payment processes.

Shared 1 prompt
Created 1 year ago

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