Prompt Title: Loreal glycolic acid

Created 1 year ago
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Prompt Detail:

Creating a fun and engaging booth for participants to discover the wonders of glycolic acid in cosmetics requires a mix of education, interaction, and excitement. Here's a series of meaningful interactions for each step:

  1. Understanding the AHA Molecule: "Molecular Playground"

    • Set up an interactive display resembling a playground, but with molecular structures instead of swings and slides.
    • Visitors can physically manipulate oversized models of AHA molecules, including glycolic acid, to understand their structure.
    • Incorporate informative signage or screens explaining the significance of AHAs in skincare and their molecular structures.
  2. Understanding Glycolic Acid's Simplicity and Effectiveness: "The Simplest Maze"

    • Design a maze-like structure representing the layers of the skin.
    • At the entrance, explain that glycolic acid is the simplest AHA molecule.
    • As visitors navigate the maze, they encounter interactive stations showcasing the effectiveness of glycolic acid compared to other AHAs.
    • At the maze's end, have a clear explanation of why simplicity matters in skincare efficacy.
  3. Understanding the Double Effect of Glycolic Acid: "Dual-Action Discovery Zone"

    • Create an interactive zone divided into two sections: "Surface Exfoliation" and "Deep Treatment."
    • In the Surface Exfoliation area, provide fun activities like a digital game where visitors virtually exfoliate layers of skin.
    • In the Deep Treatment section, use augmented reality or interactive screens to showcase how glycolic acid penetrates deep into the skin to address various issues like acne and hyperpigmentation.
  4. Discovering Glycolic Acid Products: "Product Safari"

    • Set up a display resembling a jungle or marketplace, with different "species" of skincare products containing glycolic acid.
    • Encourage visitors to explore and interact with the products, with knowledgeable staff on hand to explain each product's benefits and application methods.
    • Include engaging elements like scent stations, texture testers, or mini-demos to make the experience sensory-rich and memorable.
  5. Using Glycolic Acid with a Skincare Specialist: "Consultation Corner"

    • Create a cozy consultation area staffed by skincare experts.
    • Offer mini-consultations where visitors can ask questions about glycolic acid and receive personalized recommendations based on their skin type and concerns.
    • Provide demonstrations or mini-treatments using glycolic acid products, allowing visitors to experience the benefits firsthand under professional guidance.

Throughout the booth, incorporate playful elements like colorful signage, interactive games, and tactile experiences to ensure participants feel like they're exploring a fun and informative playground for skincare science.

Shared 1 prompt
Created 1 year ago

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