Prompt Title: gpt

Created 11 months ago
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Prompt Detail:

To tackle the specified problems from your exam, we'll break down the process into manageable steps and create the necessary diagrams. Here's an approach for each problem:

Problem 1: Process Specifications - Understanding Dataflows

Context Level Data Flow Diagram (DFD)

  1. Identify the External Entities:
    • Funding Agencies
    • Faculty Members
    • Department Heads
    • Associate Provost of Research
  2. Determine the Main Processes:
    • Submission and approval of research proposals
  3. Data Stores:
    • Research Proposals Database
  4. Data Flows:
    • Calls for Research Proposals (CFP) from Funding Agencies to the System
    • Notifications to Faculty Members
    • Submissions from Faculty to the Research Support Department
    • Notifications and approvals between Faculty, Department Heads, Associate Provost, and the Funding Agency
  5. Interactions between these elements.

Level-0 DFD

  1. Decompose the Main Process into Sub-Processes:
    • Posting CFPs
    • Filtering and Sending CFPs to relevant faculty
    • Proposal Development and Preliminary Submission
    • Review by Research Support Department
    • Final Submission and Approval Process
    • Submission to Funding Agency
    • Notification of Decision
  2. Detail the Data Flows between Sub-Processes:
    • Inputs and outputs for each sub-process
  3. Identify Data Stores:
    • Detailed information on how proposals are stored and accessed

Problem 2: Process Specifications - Understanding Functionality

User Level Use Case Diagram

  1. Identify Actors:
    • Funding Agency
    • Faculty Member
    • Research Support Department
    • Department Head
    • Associate Provost of Research
  2. Identify Use Cases:
    • Post Call for Proposals
    • Receive and Filter CFP Notifications
    • Develop and Submit Proposal
    • Review Proposal
    • Approve Proposal (Department Head, Associate Provost)
    • Submit Proposal to Funding Agency
    • Receive Funding Decision
  3. Show Associations:
    • Between actors and their interactions with the system
  4. System Boundary:
    • Clearly delineate the system boundary to include all use cases

For creating these diagrams, I recommend using diagramming tools that adhere to the standards required by your course, such as Lucidchart,, or Microsoft Visio. Make sure to refer to the Object Management Group for specific notation standards if required by your class.

Once you've created these diagrams, compile your work into a single document, ensuring clarity and adherence to the instructions provided. Convert this document into a PDF format for submission.

When citing this interaction, include the title and date of our conversation for your reference list. If specific diagramming guidelines or standards were discussed in your class that you need to adhere to, make sure those are reflected in your diagrams.

Ayyub Samara
Shared 3 prompts
Created 11 months ago

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