Prompt Title: Corp Wellness marketing pamphlet

Created 1 year ago
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Prompt Detail:

Sure, here's a more concise version:

[Front of pamphlet]

Unlock Your Full Potential: Prioritizing Employee Mental Health with Wave of Mind

Wave of Mind's 6-month Self Awareness Guided Journaling set is a cost-effective and accessible way to support your employees' mental health.

[Inside of pamphlet]

Why Prioritizing Employee Mental Health Matters

  • Mental health conditions are the leading cause of disability worldwide and cost the global economy $1 trillion per year in lost productivity.
  • Employees who feel supported in their mental health are more productive, work an average of 2.3 more days per month, and are less likely to leave their jobs.
  • Investing in employee mental health can lead to improved creativity and problem-solving.

Why Wave of Mind's Journaling Set is the Ideal Solution

  • Bridges the gap between self-help and therapy.
  • Provides employees with a personalized and private way to get to the root of their concerns.
  • Helps employees to gain a deeper understanding of themselves and their emotions.
  • Develops new skills for better mental and emotional wellbeing.
  • Is more economical than traditional therapy.
  • Is effective even for employees who are skeptical or resistant to mental health support.

Call-to-Action: Prioritize Your Employees' Mental Health Today

Offer Wave of Mind's Self Awareness Guided Journaling set as a benefit to your employees and help them to better care for their mental and emotional wellbeing, leading to increased productivity, reduced turnover, and improved morale and creative problem-solving. Contact us today to learn more about how Wave of Mind can support your corporate wellness program and help your employees unlock their full potential.

[Back of pamphlet]

Wave of Mind: Supporting Employee Mental Health

At Wave of Mind, we believe that everyone deserves access to the resources they need to care for their mental and emotional wellbeing. Contact us today to learn more about how Wave of Mind can support your organization and help your employees prioritize their mental health.

Shared 1 prompt
Created 1 year ago

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