Human: This is a solidity contract. Can you help me review it and let me know if there are any security vilnerabilities?
```// SPDX-License-Identifier: UNLICENSED
pragma solidity ^0.8.7;
import "./structs/Checkpoint.sol";
import "./structs/Postbox.sol";
import "./enums/Status.sol";
import "./interfaces/IGateway.sol";
import "./interfaces/ISubnetActor.sol";
import "./lib/StorableMsgHelper.sol";
import "./lib/SubnetIDHelper.sol";
import "./lib/CheckpointMappingHelper.sol";
import "./lib/CheckpointHelper.sol";
import "./lib/StorableMsgHelper.sol";
import "openzeppelin-contracts/security/ReentrancyGuard.sol";
import "openzeppelin-contracts/utils/Address.sol";
import "fevmate/utils/FilAddress.sol";
import "forge-std/console.sol";
/// @title Gateway Contract
/// @author LimeChain team
contract Gateway is IGateway, ReentrancyGuard {
using FilAddress for address payable;
using SubnetIDHelper for SubnetID;
using CheckpointHelper for Checkpoint;
using CheckpointMappingHelper for mapping(int64 => Checkpoint);
using StorableMsgHelper for StorableMsg;
int64 constant DEFAULT_CHECKPOINT_PERIOD = 10;
uint64 constant MIN_COLLATERAL_AMOUNT = 1 ether;
uint64 constant MAX_NONCE = type(uint64).max;
/// @notice ID of the current network
SubnetID private networkName;
/// @notice Number of active subnets spawned from this one
uint64 public totalSubnets;
/// @notice Minimum stake required to create a new subnet
uint256 public minStake;
/// @notice List of subnets
/// SubnetID => Subnet
mapping(bytes32 => Subnet) public subnets;
/// @notice Checkpoint period in number of epochs for the subnet
int64 public checkPeriod;
/// @notice Checkpoint templates in the SCA per epoch
mapping(int64 => Checkpoint) public checkpoints;
/// @notice Stores information about the list of messages and child msgMetas being propagated in checkpoints to the top of the hierarchy.
/// FIXME: refactor with custom getter and make it private?
mapping(bytes => CrossMsg[]) public checkMsgRegistry;
uint256 public lastPostboxId;
/// @notice Postbox keeps track for an EOA of all the cross-net messages triggered by
/// an actor that need to be propagated further through the hierarchy.
/// postbox id => PostBoxItem
mapping(uint64 => PostBoxItem) private postbox;
/// @notice Latest nonce of a cross message sent from subnet.
uint64 public nonce;
/// @notice Nonce of bottom-up messages for msgMeta received from checkpoints.
/// This nonce is used to mark with a nonce the metadata about cross-net
/// messages received in checkpoints. This is used to order the
/// bottom-up cross-net messages received through checkpoints.
uint64 public bottomUpNonce;
/// @notice Queue of bottom-up cross-net messages to be applied.
/// bottom up nonce => CrossMsgMeta
mapping(uint64 => CrossMsgMeta) public bottomUpMsgMeta;
/// @notice AppliedNonces keep track of the next nonce of the message to be applied.
/// This prevents potential replay attacks.
uint64 public appliedBottomUpNonce;
uint64 public appliedTopDownNonce;
/// epoch => SubnetID => [childIndex, exists(0 - no, 1 - yes)]
mapping(int64 => mapping(bytes32 => uint256[2])) internal children;
/// epoch => SubnetID => check => exists
mapping(int64 => mapping(bytes32 => mapping(bytes32 => bool)))
internal checks;
modifier isRegistered() {
(bool registered, ) = getSubnet(msg.sender);
require(registered, "subnet is not registered");
constructor(address[] memory path, int64 checkpointPeriod) {
networkName = SubnetID(path);
checkPeriod = checkpointPeriod > DEFAULT_CHECKPOINT_PERIOD
? checkpointPeriod
appliedBottomUpNonce = MAX_NONCE;
function getNetworkName() external view returns (SubnetID memory) {
return networkName;
function register() external payable {
msg.value >= minStake,
"call to register doesn't include enough funds"
(bool registered, Subnet storage subnet) = getSubnet(msg.sender);
require(registered == false, "subnet is already registered"); = networkName.createSubnetId(msg.sender);
subnet.stake = msg.value;
subnet.status = Status.Active;
subnet.nonce = 0;
subnet.circSupply = 0;
totalSubnets += 1;
function addStake() external payable isRegistered {
require(msg.value > 0, "no stake to add");
(, Subnet storage subnet) = getSubnet(msg.sender);
subnet.stake += msg.value;
function releaseStake(uint amount) external nonReentrant isRegistered {
require(amount > 0, "no funds to release in params");
(, Subnet storage subnet) = getSubnet(msg.sender);
subnet.stake >= amount,
"subnet actor not allowed to release so many funds"
address(this).balance >= amount,
"something went really wrong! the actor doesn't have enough balance to release"
subnet.stake -= amount;
if (subnet.stake < minStake) {
subnet.status = Status.Inactive;
function kill() external isRegistered {
(, Subnet storage subnet) = getSubnet(msg.sender);
address(this).balance >= subnet.stake,
"something went really wrong! the actor doesn't have enough balance to release"
subnet.circSupply == 0,
"cannot kill a subnet that still holds user funds in its circ. supply"
uint256 stake = subnet.stake;
totalSubnets -= 1;
delete subnets[];
function commitChildCheck(
Checkpoint calldata commit
) external isRegistered returns (uint fee) {
(, Subnet storage subnet) = getSubnet(msg.sender);
require( == msg.sender,
"source in checkpoint doesn't belong to subnet"
subnet.status == Status.Active,
"can't commit checkpoint for an inactive subnet"
require( <=,
"checkpoint being committed belongs to the past"
if ( != bytes32(0)) {
subnet.prevCheckpoint.toHash() ==,
"previous checkpoint not consistent with previous one"
// cross message
if (commit.hasCrossMsgMeta()) {
if ( > 0) {
bottomUpMsgMeta[bottomUpNonce] =;
bottomUpMsgMeta[bottomUpNonce].nonce = bottomUpNonce;
bottomUpNonce += 1;
subnet.circSupply >=,
"wtf! we can't release funds below circ, supply. something went really wrong"
subnet.circSupply -=;
fee =;
bool checkpointExists,
int64 currentEpoch,
Checkpoint storage checkpoint
) = checkpoints.getCheckpointPerEpoch(block.number, checkPeriod);
// create checkpoint if not exists
if (checkpointExists == false) { = networkName; = currentEpoch;
bytes32 commitSource =;
bytes32 commitData = commit.toHash();
uint[2] memory child = children[currentEpoch][commitSource];
uint childIndex = child[0]; // index at for the given subnet
bool childExists = child[1] == 1; // 0 - no, 1 - yes
bool childCheckExists = checks[currentEpoch][commitSource][commitData];
childCheckExists == false,
"child checkpoint being committed already exists"
if (childExists == false) {
checks: new bytes32[](0)
childIndex = - 1;
children[currentEpoch][commitSource][0] = childIndex;
children[currentEpoch][commitSource][1] = 1;
checks[currentEpoch][commitSource][commitData] = true;
subnet.prevCheckpoint = commit;
if (fee > 0) {
function sendCross(
SubnetID memory destination,
CrossMsg memory crossMsg
) external payable isRegistered {
require(destination.route.length > 0, "no destination for cross-message explicitly set");
require(!destination.equals(networkName), "destination is the current network, you are better off with a good ol' message, no cross needed") ;
require(crossMsg.message.value == msg.value, "the funds in cross-msg params are not equal to the ones sent in the message");
require( != address(0), "invalid to addr");
require(msg.value > CROSS_MSG_FEE, "not enough gas to pay cross-message"); = IPCAddress(destination,;
crossMsg.message.from = IPCAddress(networkName, msg.sender);
(bool burn, uint256 topDownFee) = _commitCrossMessage(crossMsg, CROSS_MSG_FEE);
_crossMsgSideEffects(crossMsg, burn, topDownFee);
function _commitCrossMessage(
CrossMsg memory _crossMessage,
uint256 _fee
) internal returns (bool burn, uint256 topDownFee) {
SubnetID memory to =;
require(to.route.length > 0, "error getting subnet from msg");
"should already be committed"
if(_crossMessage.message.applyType(networkName) == IPCMsgType.BottomUp) {
SubnetID memory from = _crossMessage.message.from.subnetId;
require(from.route.length > 0, "error getting subnet from msg");
SubnetID memory nearestCommonParent = to.commonParent(from);
if(nearestCommonParent.equals(networkName)) {
// message has already reached common parent, send it down
topDownFee = _fee;
else {
// propagate bottom-up message up
burn = _crossMessage.message.value > 0;
_commitBottomUpMsg(_crossMessage, _fee);
} else {
// top down message path
appliedTopDownNonce += 1;
function _commitTopDownMsg(CrossMsg memory crossMessage) internal {
StorableMsg memory storableMsg = crossMessage.message;
SubnetID memory to =;
SubnetID memory subId = networkName.down(to);
require(subId.route.length > 0, "couldn't compute the next subnet in route");
(bool found, Subnet storage subnet) = getSubnet(subId.getActor());
require(found, "subnet not found");
crossMessage.message.nonce = subnet.nonce;
subnet.nonce += 1;
subnet.circSupply += crossMessage.message.value;
function _commitBottomUpMsg(
CrossMsg memory crossMessage,
uint256 fee
) internal {
(,,Checkpoint storage checkpoint ) = checkpoints.getCheckpointPerEpoch(block.number, checkPeriod);
CrossMsgMeta storage meta =;
meta.value += crossMessage.message.value + fee;
meta.fee += fee;
nonce += 1;
function _crossMsgSideEffects(CrossMsg memory crossMsg, bool burn, uint256 fee) internal nonReentrant {
if(fee == 0) return;
SubnetID memory down = networkName.down(;
if(down.route.length == 0 || down.getActor() == address(0)) return;
function getSubnet(
address actor
) internal view returns (bool found, Subnet storage subnet) {
SubnetID memory subnetId = networkName.createSubnetId(actor);
subnet = subnets[subnetId.toHash()];
found = > 0;
Here's my analysis of the Solidity contract you provided:
The contract imports various dependencies and interfaces.
It defines several constants and variables that are used throughout the contract.
The contract defines a modifier, isRegistered()
, which checks if the subnet actor invoking a function is registered.
The contract constructor initializes several variables, including networkName
, totalSubnets
, minStake
, checkPeriod
, and appliedBottomUpNonce
The contract defines several functions for subnet registration and management, including register()
, addStake()
, releaseStake()
, and kill()
The contract defines a function for committing child checkpoint, commitChildCheck()
, which adds a new child checkpoint to the current checkpoint and updates various variables and mappings.
The contract defines a function for sending cross-network messages, sendCross()
, which sends cross-network messages and triggers several side effects.
The contract uses several external dependencies, including OpenZeppelin and Forge, and several custom libraries, including CheckpointMappingHelper.sol
, CheckpointHelper.sol
, StorableMsgHelper.sol
, and SubnetIDHelper.sol
Based on this analysis, I did not find any obvious security vulnerabilities in the contract. However, further testing and analysis may be required to ensure the contract is secure and working as intended.