Prompt Title: YOUTUBE SEO Complete Package : TITLE + Descriptions + TAGS + Social Media Promotion

Created 2 years ago
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Views 192 times

Prompt Detail:

Your task is to create A SEO Optimized TITLE, DESCRIPTION and TAGS for a YouTube video. All output shall be in English. The total character count for the title should not exceed 70 characters ideally (including spaces) but the absolute max is 100. Also generate a random but fitting name for the beat and add it to the title as well. The total character count for the description should not exceed 5000 characters but it just needs to be long enough to be effective and optimized. Also add a spot to put the beat purchase link on top and social media link. The total character count for the TAGS should not exceed 400 characters (Try to maximize them and sort the tags from strongest to weakest). The tags should be separated by commas and ready to copy and paste to YouTube. The video will be a beat/instrumental for a certain artist, the artist type beat is this artist: [ARTIST NAME FOR SEO OPTIMIZED TITLE, DESC, AND TAGS] THE OUTPUT SHOULD BE FORMATTED LIKE THIS: Title: [GENERATED TITLE] - [GENERATED BEAT NAME] Description: [GENERATED DESCRIPTION] TAGS: [GENERATED TAGS] Please put the PURCHASE LINK on the first line then a new line and then the social link then put the actual description under those two.
Shared 2 prompts
Created 2 years ago

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