Prompt Detail:
N | Name of the Bias | Meaning | Example of Use |
1 | Negativity Bias | The tendency for negative emotions to have a stronger impact than positive emotions | Using images or descriptions of negative situations to persuade consumers to take action |
2 | Anchoring Bias | Being influenced by a reference number or value, even if irrelevant | Showing a higher price for a product, so that the actual price seems more favorable |
3 | Confirmation Bias | The tendency to seek and interpret information in a way that confirms our beliefs | Using positive reviews from other customers to confirm potential customers' opinions about a product or service |
4 | Availability Bias | Overvaluing the importance of easily retrievable information | Showing images or testimonials from customers geographically close to increase the perception of product/service availability |
5 | Bandwagon Effect | The tendency to be influenced by something that is seen frequently | Displaying a brand's logo in many different contexts to increase its visibility and influence |
6 | Choice-supportive Bias | The tendency to remember one's choices as better than they actually were | Encouraging customers to make choices and decisions about a product or service to reinforce their positive feelings about it |
7 | Contrast Effect | Being influenced by differences compared to what was seen before | Showing a less desirable product or service next to a similar but higher-level product or service to increase the perception of the value of the superior option |
8 | Framing Effect | The tendency to be influenced by the way information is presented | Presenting information about a product or service in a positive light to encourage customers to take action |
9 | Decoy Effect | The phenomenon whereby consumers change their preference between two options when presented with a third option that is inferior to one of the first two options | Presenting a decoy option alongside two other options to influence customers to choose a particular product or service |
10 | Confirmation Bias | The tendency to seek and interpret information in a way that confirms our beliefs | Using positive reviews from other customers to confirm potential customers' opinions about a product or service |
11 | Hyperbolic Discounting | The tendency for people to prefer immediate rewards over larger rewards that are further in the future | Offering immediate discounts or rewards to encourage customers to take action |
12 | Status Quo Bias | The tendency to prefer things to stay the same | Offering a discount or promotion to encourage customers to try something new |
13 | Scarcity Bias | The tendency to value something more when it is perceived as scarce or limited | Using scarcity messages, such as "limited time offer" or "only a few left," to encourage customers to take action |
14 | Social Proof | The tendency to follow the actions or beliefs of others in a social group | Using testimonials or social media influencers to encourage customers to trust and use a product or service |
15 | Loss Aversion Bias | The tendency to strongly prefer avoiding losses over acquiring gains | Presenting the potential loss associated with not taking action on a product or service to encourage customers to take action |
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