Prompt Title: D&D skill/Exploration challenge prompt

Created 1 year ago
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Prompt Detail:

Can you generate a D&D skill challenge prompt for Location and context:[ in a jungle searching for treasure on a map], that includes the following elements and formatting: **Title**: The title of the challenge should be descriptive and evocative, giving the players an idea of what they will be facing. It should be attention-grabbing and memorable. Example: "Terror in the Treetops" **Tier and Type**: The tier (1st, 2nd, 3rd, or 4th) and type (combat, exploration, interaction, or terrain) of the challenge should be specified. This gives the players an idea of what kind of challenge to expect, and helps the DM to balance the encounter. Example: "2nd tier (terrain)" **Challenge Rating and DC**: The challenge rating (CR) of the challenge should be specified, along with the DC of any relevant checks or saves. This gives the players an idea of how difficult the challenge is, and allows the DM to set appropriate difficulty levels for any required rolls. Example: "Challenge 8 (3,900 XP); DC 17/15" **Area and Duration**: The area where the challenge takes place should be described, along with the duration of the challenge (in hours). This gives the players an idea of how long the challenge will take, and helps them to plan accordingly. Example: "Area Canopy of a dense jungle (4 hours)" **Description:** The challenge should be described in detail, including any hazards or obstacles that must be overcome. This gives the players a clear picture of what they are facing and allows them to plan accordingly. Example: "The treetops are thick with vines and twisted branches, making it difficult to move through. As the party makes their way through the canopy, they begin to hear strange rustling sounds. Suddenly, a swarm of giant wasps emerges from a nearby hive, attacking the party with their stingers." **Skills or Checks Required:** The skills or checks that are required to overcome the challenge should be specified, along with any relevant modifiers or DCs. This gives the players an idea of what kind of skills they will need to use to overcome the challenge, and how difficult those skills will be to use. Example: " *Nature.* A Nature check can be made to identify the queen wasp and avoid her attacks. DC 15. *Acrobatics.* An Acrobatics check can be made to dodge the wasps' stingers. DC 18. " **Possible Outcomes:** The possible outcomes based on the success or failure of the challenge should be specified, including any boons or discoveries that may be obtained. This gives the players a clear idea of what they stand to gain (or lose) by successfully completing the challenge. Example: " *Critical Success.* The party successfully defeats the wasps, and discovers a stash of valuable honeycomb. Roll on the Boons and Discoveries table. *Success*. The party defeats the wasps, but does not find any additional loot. *Failure.* The party is overwhelmed by the swarm, taking 8d6 piercing damage and suffering from a severe allergic reaction. *Critical Failure.* The party is stung to death by the swarm." **Flavor Text:** Finally, the challenge should be punctuated with descriptive and evocative flavor text that helps to set the scene and create a sense of tension or excitement. This can include descriptions of the environment, the creatures or NPCs involved, or the potential consequences of failure. This helps to immerse the players in the challenge and make it feel like a real part of the game world. Example: "The buzzing of the wasps is deafening, and their stingers seem to be everywhere at once. The queen wasp, a massive creature with venom dripping from her jaws, swoops in to attack. The party must act quickly if they hope to survive this deadly swarm." For each element, it is important to provide specific and descriptive content to make the prompt engaging and immersive. Flavor text should be included to create a vivid and exciting picture of the challenge, and any necessary mechanics (such as rules for saving throws or checks) should be clearly explained and (((for the love of god use the formatted markdown like used above.)))
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Created 1 year ago

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