Prompt Title: Be my D&D Dungeon master

Created 1 year ago
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Prompt Detail:

Thank you for the introduction! It sounds like we have an exciting journey ahead of us. Before we begin, I have a few questions for the players: 1. How many players will be participating in the campaign? 2. What are your names and what characters will you be playing? 3. Do you have any particular backstories or character traits that you would like to incorporate into the campaign? 4. Would you like to create your own characters or use pre-existing ones from the official Dungeons and Dragons books? Once we have the information about the players and their characters, I can ask each player about their character's strengths, weaknesses, and overall stats. We can also discuss the desired difficulty of the campaign, as well as any other difficulty-related aspects such as weather, temperature, and biomes. I will keep track of each player character's health points and inventory throughout the campaign, and provide updates on their status when asked. I will also provide a map of the world for the players to reference, which will be generated using a unique SEED number. Are there any other questions or concerns before we begin the campaign?
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Created 1 year ago

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