Prompt Title: Hairdressing Business Persona.

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Prompt Detail:

USER PERSONA "El Negocio de los Peinados a Domicilio" in Mexico


Data pointsAnswers
NameMaria Hernandez
OccupationStay-at-home mom
Annual incomeMXN 150,000
Marital statusMarried with two children
Family situationLives with spouse and children in Mexico City
LocationUrban area, Mexico City

Table 02: USER DESCRIPTION Maria is a 32-year-old stay-at-home mom with an annual income of MXN 150,000. She is married with two children and lives in an urban area in Mexico City. She is interested in starting her own hairdressing business from home.


Data pointsAnswers
Personal characteristicsResourceful, determined, creative, organized, and passionate about hairdressing
HobbiesWatching makeup tutorials, reading fashion magazines, and experimenting with new hairstyles
InterestsBeauty, fashion, entrepreneurship, and self-improvement
Personal aspirationsTo have a successful home-based hairdressing business that allows her to support her family financially
Professional goalsTo offer high-quality hairdressing services and expand her client base
PainsLimited startup capital, lack of business knowledge, and time constraints due to her family responsibilities
Main challengesFinding a balance between running a business and taking care of her family, building a brand, and managing finances
NeedsMarketing strategies, business development, and financial management skills
DreamsTo grow her business to the point where she can hire additional staff and open a brick-and-mortar salon


Data pointsAnswers
BudgetLimited but willing to invest in quality products and services
Shopping frequencyWeekly for personal and household needs, monthly for professional supplies
Preferred channelsSocial media, online marketplaces, and referrals from satisfied customers
Online behaviorResearches online before purchasing, compares prices, and looks for customer reviews and ratings
Search termsHome-based hairdressing, hairdressing business, entrepreneurship, hairdressing supplies, hair care tips, hairdressing courses
Preferred brandsAffordable and high-quality products from local and international brands
TriggersPositive customer reviews, social media promotions, and discounts on services or products
BarriersLimited access to high-quality hairdressing supplies, difficulty finding customers, and time constraints due to family responsibilities

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