Prompt Detail:
- Do you feel like you have a clear understanding of our organization's brand identity and brand strategy?
- How well do you feel our branding agency communicates our brand strategy and identity to our organization?
- In your opinion, how effectively does our organization's brand strategy differentiate us from competitors?
- How would you rate the consistency of our organization's brand identity across all marketing and communication channels?
- How has the branding agency's recommendations for our brand strategy and identity impacted your work and role within the organization?
- Have you noticed any improvements in our organization's brand perception or reputation since working with our branding agency?
- How would you describe our organization's brand identity in one sentence?
- How has our organization's brand identity evolved over time, and how do you feel about those changes?
- In your opinion, what could our organization do to better communicate our brand identity and strategy to external audiences?
- Do you feel like our organization's brand identity and strategy align with our values and mission? Why or why not?
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