Prompt Title: Data store for ActivityStreams.

Created 1 year ago
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Human: What’s the best data store to store activitystream schema feed?

Choosing the best data store for storing ActivityStreams schema feed depends on your specific use case, performance requirements, scalability needs, and other factors. Here are some popular data store options you can consider:

  1. Relational databases (RDBMS): MySQL, PostgreSQL, or Microsoft SQL Server are well-suited for structured data storage, and can efficiently store and query ActivityStreams schema feed data. They offer strong consistency guarantees, support for transactions, and robust query capabilities.

  2. NoSQL databases: If you need a more flexible schema or better horizontal scalability, NoSQL databases such as MongoDB, Cassandra, or Couchbase can be a good fit. They generally offer better performance and scalability for specific workloads, but may lack some features found in RDBMS, such as transactions or complex joins.

  3. Time-series databases: Since ActivityStreams schema feed data is time-based, time-series databases like InfluxDB, TimescaleDB, or OpenTSDB can be a suitable choice. These databases are designed for handling time-series data and offer efficient storage and querying capabilities for such workloads.

  4. Graph databases: If the relationships between activities, actors, and objects are more important than the data itself, graph databases like Neo4j or Amazon Neptune could be a better fit. Graph databases excel at representing and querying complex relationships between entities.

Ultimately, the best data store for your ActivityStreams schema feed depends on your specific needs, such as query performance, scalability, data consistency, and the complexity of the relationships between entities. Analyze your requirements and test different solutions to find the one that works best for your use case.

Human: What is the id formatted like for actor and object in activitystream

In the ActivityStreams 2.0 specification, the "id" field is used to uniquely identify an actor or object. The "id" field must contain a valid Internationalized Resource Identifier (IRI), which can be either a URL (Uniform Resource Locator) or a URN (Uniform Resource Name).

Here's an example of how the "id" field may appear in an ActivityStreams document for both an actor and an object:

{ "@context": "", "type": "Create", "actor": { "type": "Person", "id": "", "name": "John Doe" }, "object": { "type": "Note", "id": "", "content": "This is a note." } }

In this example, the "actor" (a "Person") has an "id" with the value "", while the "object" (a "Note") has an "id" with the value "". Both of these "id" values are URLs that uniquely identify the actor and object within the context of the application or system.

It is important to use unique and stable IRIs for the "id" field to ensure that actors and objects can be unambiguously identified and referenced across different systems and over time.

Human: What does the url link to?

In the context of ActivityStreams, the "id" field containing a URL (Uniform Resource Locator) serves as a unique identifier for the actor or object. The URL may also be used to retrieve additional information or a representation of the actor or object when accessed by a client.

For example, in the earlier provided JSON snippet:

{ ... "actor": { "type": "Person", "id": "", "name": "John Doe" }, ... }

The "id" field of the "actor" has a URL "". This URL uniquely identifies the actor within the application or system. When accessed, it could potentially return a profile page, JSON-LD representation, or other related information about the actor "John Doe".

Similarly, for the "object" with an "id" of "":

{ ... "object": { "type": "Note", "id": "", "content": "This is a note." } }

The URL in the "id" field could be used to access the note's content, metadata, or a web page displaying the note's content when accessed by a client.

However, it is worth mentioning that the presence and behavior of a URL in the "id" field may vary depending on the implementation. In some cases, the URL may not be directly accessible or may require authentication. In other cases, it might simply serve as a unique identifier without any additional functionality. The implementation details depend on the specific application or system using ActivityStreams.

Human: Is there an list of actions I can take for example to accept or decline an invitation that I can put on activitystream

In ActivityStreams, actions are represented by the "type" field, which indicates the type of activity being performed. The specification includes a set of predefined activity types that you can use in your ActivityStreams document. Some of these types are related to accepting or declining invitations, such as "Accept", "Reject", "Invite", and "Request".

Here's an example of how you can use the "Accept" and "Reject" activity types to represent the acceptance or declination of an invitation in an ActivityStreams document:

  1. Accepting an invitation:
{ "@context": "", "type": "Accept", "actor": "", "object": { "type": "Invite", "id": "", "actor": "", "object": "" } }

In this example, user "John Doe" is accepting an invitation from user "Jane Doe" to an event.

  1. Declining an invitation:
{ "@context": "", "type": "Reject", "actor": "", "object": { "type": "Invite", "id": "", "actor": "", "object": "" } }

In this example, user "John Doe" is declining the same invitation from user "Jane Doe".

The ActivityStreams specification provides a core set of activity types, but you can also define custom activity types specific to your application or domain. For a complete list of core activity types, you can refer to the ActivityStreams Vocabulary document:

Human: What if I wanted to use it to represent a notification feed and how do I also incorporate a list of actions I can take on an activity? Where do I put that info on the schema?

To represent a notification feed using ActivityStreams, you can use the "Collection" or "OrderedCollection" types to group a set of activities. To incorporate a list of actions that can be taken on an activity, you can use the "type" field with custom activity types or extend the existing activity types with additional properties.

Here's an example of how to represent a notification feed with a list of actions that can be taken on each activity:

{ "@context": "", "type": "OrderedCollection", "id": "", "totalItems": 2, "orderedItems": [ { "type": "Invite", "id": "", "actor": "", "object": "", "potentialActions": [ { "type": "Accept", "name": "Accept Invitation", "target": "" }, { "type": "Reject", "name": "Decline Invitation", "target": "" } ] }, { "type": "Like", "id": "", "actor": "", "object": "", "potentialActions": [ { "type": "View", "name": "View Post", "target": "" } ] } ] }

In this example, we have an "OrderedCollection" that represents a notification feed for the user "John Doe". Each activity in the feed has a "potentialActions" property, which is an array of objects representing the actions that can be taken on the activity.

For the "Invite" activity, there are two potential actions: "Accept" and "Reject", with their respective "name" and "target" properties. For the "Like" activity, there is a single potential action: "View", with its "name" and "target" properties.

Please note that "potentialActions" is not part of the core ActivityStreams specification. It's a custom property added to the activities to provide the list of actions that can be taken on them. Depending on your application requirements, you can adjust the property name or structure to fit your needs.

Human: After I selected an action to perform, I need to mark the status of the notification and maybe remove it from the feed, how do I do that?

In order to mark the status of a notification and remove it from the feed after an action has been taken, you would need to implement this functionality on your application's backend. ActivityStreams doesn't specify a standard way of handling notification status or removal.

Here's a high-level overview of how you can implement this functionality:

  1. Add a "status" field to the activities in the notification feed, which can have values like "unread", "read", or "acted".

  2. When a user takes an action, update the activity's status in your datastore. For instance, change the "status" field value from "unread" or "read" to "acted".

  3. When retrieving the notification feed for a user, filter out activities that have a "status" value of "acted" (or any other status that indicates the notification should not be displayed). This can be done on the backend or client-side, depending on your preference.

Here's an example of how an activity in the notification feed might look with a "status" field:

{ "type": "Invite", "id": "", "actor": "", "object": "", "status": "unread", "potentialActions": [ { "type": "Accept", "name": "Accept Invitation", "target": "" }, { "type": "Reject", "name": "Decline Invitation", "target": "" } ] }

After the user has taken an action, update the "status" field value to "acted" in your datastore. When retrieving the notification feed, only include activities with a "status" that should be displayed, such as "unread" and "read".

Please note that the "status" field is not part of the core ActivityStreams specification. It is a custom property that you can add to the activities in the notification feed to track their status. You can adjust the property name, values, or structure based on your application requirements.

Human: What if I want to support a feature to mark all notification as read? What’s a performant way to design it?

To implement a feature for marking all notifications as read in a performant way, you need to consider both the data model and the application logic. Here's an approach you can follow:

  1. Data Model: Add a "status" field to the activities in the notification feed, which can have values like "unread" or "read". Additionally, store the timestamp of the last "mark all as read" action for each user.

  2. Application Logic: When a user chooses to mark all notifications as read, update the last "mark all as read" timestamp for the user in the datastore. Then, when retrieving the notification feed, compare the activity timestamp with the last "mark all as read" timestamp for the user. If the activity timestamp is earlier than the "mark all as read" timestamp, consider the notification as read.

Here's an example of an activity in the notification feed with a "status" field and a "published" field (the timestamp when the activity was created):

{ "type": "Invite", "id": "", "actor": "", "object": "", "status": "unread", "published": "2023-04-24T12:34:56Z", "potentialActions": [ ... ] }

For each user, store the last "mark all as read" timestamp. For example:

{ "userId": "", "lastMarkAllAsRead": "2023-04-24T13:00:00Z" }

When retrieving the notification feed, compare the "published" field of each activity with the "lastMarkAllAsRead" field of the user. If the "published" timestamp is earlier than the "lastMarkAllAsRead" timestamp, consider the notification as read and update the "status" field accordingly.

This approach allows you to mark all notifications as read without updating each individual activity in the datastore, which can be more performant, especially when dealing with a large number of notifications. You only need to update the "lastMarkAllAsRead" timestamp for the user and handle the read/unread status during the feed retrieval process.

Please note that the "status" and "lastMarkAllAsRead" fields are not part of the core ActivityStreams specification. They are custom properties that you can add to your data model and application logic to support the "mark all as read" feature. You can adjust the property names, values, or structure based on your application requirements.

Human: What if a notification needs to be delivered to multiple dozens of users, each can perform different actions on the same activity, how do I model the data on a mongodb data store.

To model notifications in a MongoDB datastore for multiple users with different actions on the same activity, you can use a separate collection for notifications and store references to the activities and users. This way, you avoid duplicating the activity data for each user and can store different actions for each user.

Here's an example of how to structure your collections in MongoDB:

  1. activities: This collection stores the activities, such as "Invite", "Like", "Follow", etc.
{ "_id": ObjectId("..."), "type": "Invite", "actor": "", "object": "", "published": "2023-04-24T12:34:56Z" }
  1. users: This collection stores the user data, such as username, email, etc.
{ "_id": ObjectId("..."), "username": "johndoe", "email": "[email protected]" }
  1. notifications: This collection stores the notifications for each user, with references to the corresponding activity, the user, the status, and potential actions.
{ "_id": ObjectId("..."), "activityId": ObjectId("..."), // Reference to the activity in the 'activities' collection "userId": ObjectId("..."), // Reference to the user in the 'users' collection "status": "unread", "potentialActions": [ { "type": "Accept", "name": "Accept Invitation", "target": "" }, { "type": "Reject", "name": "Decline Invitation", "target": "" } ] }

When you create a new notification for an activity that needs to be delivered to multiple users, insert a new document into the notifications collection for each user with their corresponding potential actions. To retrieve the notification feed for a user, query the notifications collection for the user's notifications, and populate the activity data using the activityId reference.

This data model allows you to store different actions for each user on the same activity without duplicating the activity data. When querying the notification feed for a user, you can filter the notifications based on the status field or other criteria, and populate the activities and potential actions as needed.

Please note that the property names, values, or structure provided in this example may need to be adjusted based on your application requirements and the ActivityStreams representation you're using.

Human: Why not put the potential actions onto the activity collection

You can store the potential actions in the activity collection, but it may have some trade-offs depending on your application requirements.

Storing potential actions in the activity collection:

{ "_id": ObjectId("..."), "type": "Invite", "actor": "", "object": "", "published": "2023-04-24T12:34:56Z", "potentialActions": [ { "userId": ObjectId("..."), "actions": [ { "type": "Accept", "name": "Accept Invitation", "target": "" }, { "type": "Reject", "name": "Decline Invitation", "target": "" } ] } ] }

This approach has some benefits:

  1. It simplifies the data model by having fewer collections.
  2. The potential actions are stored together with the activity, which can make it easier to query and manage the data.

However, there are also some drawbacks:

  1. The activity documents can become large if there are many potential actions for multiple users. This can make querying and updating the data less efficient.
  2. If you need to update the potential actions for a specific user, you would need to update the entire activity document, which could lead to conflicts or race conditions if multiple users are updating the activity at the same time.
  3. If you want to remove a user's access to an activity or modify their potential actions, you need to update the activity document, which might affect other users.

Storing the potential actions in the notifications collection, as shown in the previous example, provides more flexibility and control over the actions for each user. It allows you to manage user-specific actions separately from the activity data and avoids the potential issues mentioned above.

However, depending on your application requirements and use cases, you can choose the approach that best suits your needs. It's essential to consider the trade-offs between simplicity, efficiency, and maintainability when designing your data model.

Human: You don’t need nest the actions inside potentialActions with userId in the above example, the userId is still tracked by notifications collection. Keep the potentialActions in activities collection while move the userId to notifications pls.

I apologize for the confusion in my previous response. You are correct; you don't need to nest actions inside potentialActions with userId in the activity collection if the userId is tracked by the notifications collection.

Here's the updated data model:

  1. activities: This collection stores the activities, such as "Invite", "Like", "Follow", etc.
{ "_id": ObjectId("..."), "type": "Invite", "actor": "", "object": "", "published": "2023-04-24T12:34:56Z", "potentialActions": [ { "type": "Accept", "name": "Accept Invitation", "target": "" }, { "type": "Reject", "name": "Decline Invitation", "target": "" } ] }
  1. users: This collection stores the user data, such as username, email, etc.
{ "_id": ObjectId("..."), "username": "johndoe", "email": "[email protected]" }
  1. notifications: This collection stores the notifications for each user, with references to the corresponding activity and the user, as well as the status.
{ "_id": ObjectId("..."), "activityId": ObjectId("..."), // Reference to the activity in the 'activities' collection "userId": ObjectId("..."), // Reference to the user in the 'users' collection "status": "unread" }

In this updated data model, the potentialActions are stored in the activities collection, and the userId is tracked by the notifications collection. When you create a new notification for an activity that needs to be delivered to multiple users, you can insert a new document into the notifications collection for each user, referring to the corresponding activity and user.

To retrieve the notification feed for a user, query the notifications collection for the user's notifications and populate the activity data, including the potentialActions, using the activityId reference.

This approach allows you to store the potentialActions together with the activity while keeping the user-specific data, such as notification status, separate in the notifications collection.

Human: But back to original schema you proposed, what’s an example scenario when each user who receive the notification may have slightly different actions to perform?

An example scenario where each user who receives a notification may have slightly different actions to perform could be a project management system. In this scenario, users have different roles and permissions within a project, and when a new task is created, the available actions for each user receiving the notification depend on their role.

Let's say we have three users: Alice (project manager), Bob (developer), and Carol (tester). When a new task is created, a notification is sent to all three users, but each user may have different actions they can take based on their role:

  1. Alice (project manager): As a project manager, Alice can assign the task to a specific user, edit the task, or delete the task.

  2. Bob (developer): As a developer, Bob can only view the task and add comments.

  3. Carol (tester): As a tester, Carol can view the task, add comments, and change the task status (e.g., to "In Progress" or "Completed").

In this case, the notifications collection will store the different potential actions for each user:

// Notification for Alice { "_id": ObjectId("..."), "activityId": ObjectId("..."), "userId": ObjectId("alice"), "status": "unread", "potentialActions": [ { "type": "Assign", "name": "Assign Task", "target": "" }, { "type": "Edit", "name": "Edit Task", "target": "" }, { "type": "Delete", "name": "Delete Task", "target": "" } ] } // Notification for Bob { "_id": ObjectId("..."), "activityId": ObjectId("..."), "userId": ObjectId("bob"), "status": "unread", "potentialActions": [ { "type": "View", "name": "View Task", "target": "" }, { "type": "Comment", "name": "Add Comment", "target": "" } ] } // Notification for Carol { "_id": ObjectId("..."), "activityId": ObjectId("..."), "userId": ObjectId("carol"), "status": "unread", "potentialActions": [ { "type": "View", "name": "View Task", "target": "" }, { "type": "Comment", "name": "Add Comment", "target": "" }, { "type": "ChangeStatus", "name": "Change Task Status", "target": "" } ] }

By storing the potential actions for each user in the notifications collection, you can customize the available actions based on each user's role and permissions.

Human: That’s a great example. I think I prefer your original proposed schema then. Now can you model it using cosmosdb.

In Cosmos DB, you can model the data similarly to the MongoDB example. Cosmos DB is a multi-model database service that supports SQL API, MongoDB API, Cassandra API, Gremlin API, and Table API. In this example, I'll use the SQL API to demonstrate how to model the data.

  1. activities: This container stores the activities, such as "Invite", "Like", "Follow", etc.
{ "id": "...", "type": "Invite", "actor": "", "object": "", "published": "2023-04-24T12:34:56Z" }
  1. users: This container stores the user data, such as username, email, etc.
{ "id": "...", "username": "johndoe", "email": "[email protected]" }
  1. notifications: This container stores the notifications for each user, with references to the corresponding activity and the user, as well as the status and potential actions.
{ "id": "...", "activityId": "...", // Reference to the activity in the 'activities' container "userId": "...", // Reference to the user in the 'users' container "status": "unread", "potentialActions": [ { "type": "Accept", "name": "Accept Invitation", "target": "" }, { "type": "Reject", "name": "Decline Invitation", "target": "" } ] }

When you create a new notification for an activity that needs to be delivered to multiple users, insert a new document into the notifications container for each user with their corresponding potential actions. To retrieve the notification feed for a user, query the notifications container for the user's notifications, and populate the activity data using the activityId reference.

In Cosmos DB, you can use the SQL API to query and manage the data. For example, to retrieve the notification feed for a specific user, you can use a query like this:

SELECT, n.status, a.type,, a.object, a.published, n.potentialActions FROM notifications n JOIN activities a ON n.activityId = WHERE n.userId = '...'

This approach allows you to store different potential actions for each user on the same activity without duplicating the activity data. You can manage user-specific actions separately from the activity data and avoid the potential issues mentioned in the previous responses.

Human: Does cosmosdb support joins?

I apologize for the confusion in my previous response. You are correct that Cosmos DB does not support joins like traditional relational databases. Instead, you can achieve the desired result using multiple queries or denormalizing the data.

Here's how you can query the data without joins:

  1. Query the notifications for a specific user:
SELECT * FROM notifications n WHERE n.userId = '...'
  1. Based on the result of the first query, you can then fetch the corresponding activities using the activityId:
SELECT * FROM activities a WHERE IN ('activityId1', 'activityId2', ...)

You'll need to perform these queries separately and combine the results in your application logic.

Alternatively, you can denormalize the data by embedding the activity data within the notification documents. This approach increases data redundancy but can improve query performance and simplify your application logic.

Here's an example of denormalized notification documents:

{ "id": "...", "userId": "...", "status": "unread", "activity": { "id": "...", "type": "Invite", "actor": "", "object": "", "published": "2023-04-24T12:34:56Z" }, "potentialActions": [ { "type": "Accept", "name": "Accept Invitation", "target": "" }, { "type": "Reject", "name": "Decline Invitation", "target": "" } ] }

With denormalized data, you can query the notification feed for a specific user with a single query:

SELECT * FROM notifications n WHERE n.userId = '...'

Keep in mind that denormalizing data can increase storage requirements and make updates more complex, as you may need to update the same data in multiple documents. The choice between denormalization and multiple queries depends on your application requirements, query patterns, and performance needs.

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Created 1 year ago

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