Prompt Title: Voxel-wise test with caffeine.

Created 1 year ago
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Human: I have a voxels from 6 subjects. We record the voxels without caffeine and with caffeine. How can I do statistical test from voxels from different subjects with two groups? I tried averaging each voxel's signal for each subject and paired t-test (6 vs 6 points) but it is not enough to test the effect of caffeine so I hope to do voxel-wise test.

It sounds like you want to perform a voxel-wise statistical test to compare the effect of caffeine on voxel activity between the two groups (with and without caffeine) across all subjects. In this case, you can use a paired t-test on a voxel-by-voxel basis. Here's a step-by-step guide on how to do this:

  1. Preprocessing: Ensure that all the voxel data from your subjects are preprocessed and aligned in a common anatomical space. This step is crucial for making voxel-wise comparisons across subjects.

  2. Calculate the difference: For each subject, compute the difference in voxel activity between the two conditions (with caffeine and without caffeine). This will give you a difference map for each subject.

  3. Perform paired t-test for each voxel: Now, you need to perform a paired t-test for each voxel across all subjects. To do this, compare the difference maps from step 2 voxel-by-voxel using a paired t-test. This will give you a t-value for each voxel, which represents the difference in voxel activity between the two conditions.

  4. Correction for multiple comparisons: Since you are performing multiple t-tests (one for each voxel), you need to correct for multiple comparisons to control the family-wise error rate (FWER) or false discovery rate (FDR). You can use methods such as the Bonferroni correction or the more sensitive Benjamini-Hochberg procedure for FDR correction. Another popular approach is to use cluster-based corrections like cluster-size thresholding or Gaussian random field theory.

  5. Interpret the results: After correcting for multiple comparisons, you can interpret the remaining significant voxels. These voxels show a significant difference in activity between the two conditions (with caffeine and without caffeine) across your subjects.

Software like SPM, FSL, or AFNI can be used to perform these analyses. Remember that it's essential to preprocess the data correctly and consider the assumptions of the paired t-test (e.g., normality) before interpreting the results.

Human: What if I cannot preprocess them as voxel-by-voxel? How about use GLMM that models effect of caffeine as a fixed effect and effect of subject as a random effect?

If you cannot preprocess the data for voxel-by-voxel comparison, you can indeed consider using a Generalized Linear Mixed Model (GLMM) to analyze the data. A GLMM can account for both fixed effects (such as caffeine) and random effects (such as inter-subject variability) in your data.

In your case, you can model the effect of caffeine as a fixed effect and the effect of subjects as a random effect. Here's a general outline of how to approach this analysis:

  1. Preprocessing: Even though you're not performing voxel-by-voxel analysis, you should still preprocess the data to ensure it is in a suitable format for analysis. This may involve spatial smoothing, intensity normalization, and other standard preprocessing steps.

  2. Data organization: Organize your data in a format suitable for GLMM analysis. You will need a dataset with columns for the dependent variable (e.g., voxel activity), the fixed effect of caffeine (e.g., presence or absence), the random effect of subjects, and any additional covariates you want to include in the model (e.g., age, gender).

  3. Model specification: Specify the GLMM with caffeine as a fixed effect and subjects as a random effect. You can use software such as R or Python to perform the analysis. In R, you can use the 'lme4' package, and in Python, you can use the 'statsmodels' library.

For example, in R, your model specification might look like this:

library(lme4) model <- lmer(voxel_activity ~ caffeine + (1|subject), data = my_data)
  1. Model fitting: Fit the GLMM to your data and obtain the model estimates. This will give you information on the fixed effect of caffeine, including the estimated effect size and associated p-value. You can also assess the significance of the random effect (subjects) to understand the extent of variability between subjects.

  2. Model diagnostics: Check the assumptions of the GLMM and perform model diagnostics to ensure that the model is a good fit for your data. This may involve checking the residuals for normality, homoscedasticity, and independence.

  3. Interpret the results: Based on the estimated coefficients and p-values, interpret the results of the GLMM to understand the effect of caffeine on voxel activity while accounting for inter-subject variability.

Using a GLMM can be a powerful approach to analyze data when voxel-by-voxel analysis is not possible. Just make sure to preprocess the data appropriately, specify the correct model, and carefully interpret the results while considering the assumptions and limitations of the analysis.

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Created 1 year ago

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