Prompt Title: Portfolio Devlog Creation

Created 1 year ago
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Prompt Detail:

Devlog: Designing the Flying Enemy

Question 1: I want to design a flying enemy to enable us to create more complex and engaging levels, as well as force the player to think more about the placement of defenses.

After observing player behavior during earlier playtesting sessions, I noticed a pattern where players primarily placed defenses at chokepoints or intersections, which reduced strategic decision-making. To address this, I decided to introduce flying enemies that would disrupt this pattern and create a different dynamic in later levels.

Question 2: How will I solve this?

To tackle this challenge, I employed the following methods:

  • Available Product Analysis: I began by conducting online research to find a suitable model for the flying enemy. This would help me find an existing model or reference that could be adapted for our game.

  • Prototype: Once I had a suitable model, I implemented the flying enemy in Unity, creating a working prototype that showcased its unique behavior.

Question 3: What is the result?

Based on the methods employed, the following outcomes were achieved:

  • Available Product Analysis: During my online search, I came across several models for flying enemies. However, many of them lacked animations or were not suitable for our game's bird-like flying enemy. After further searching, I discovered the perfect models: [Include links to chosen models]

  • Prototype: I created three variations of the chosen model by altering textures and colors. Initially, I focused on implementing the middle model as a mini-boss enemy, leaving the last model aside for future use. Here is a video showcasing the prototype: [Attach evidence video]

Question 4: What is the quality of the result?

As there are no specific levels available to test the flying enemy and its mechanics, I shared the functionality with my groupmates. They appreciated the concept, recognizing it as a classic gimmick in the tower defense genre. However, they emphasized the need to proceed to the next step of creating levels for thorough testing and gameplay integration.

Question 5: What is the next step?

Within the project, the immediate next step is to create multiple levels that leverage the unique enemies and defenses we have developed so far. Designing levels around these factors will allow us to fully explore and test the enraged and flying enemies. Additionally, I plan to incorporate future events to showcase these enemy types and gather feedback from players.

In the long term, I am interested in implementing an "after death" effect for enemies. This could introduce new gameplay mechanics, such as enemies exploding and stunning nearby defenses or respawning in a different form, akin to zombies. Exploring these ideas will add depth and variety to our game.

As the Hexaguard project progresses, the introduction of flying enemies presents exciting possibilities for level design and strategic gameplay. Stay tuned for future updates as we continue to expand the game's content and enhance the player experience.

[End of devlog]

Shared 4 prompts
Created 1 year ago

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