Prompt Title: Devlog - ChatGPT

Created 1 year ago
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Prompt Detail:

Next one: "Question 1: I want to design a prompt for ChatGPT enable myself to create better, faster." I am really good at documentaion, however I am not the best in English (writing). This is needed for this semester, since it is officially an international course. Because of this, writing devlogs take a lot longer (hours) and contain lots of writing mistakes. I want to solve this by generating my devlogs by ChatGPT. "Question 2: How will I solve this?" I will use the following methods: - Available Product Analysis: I will start by searching online for proper prompts from other people. This way, I have a better idea on how to write my own or maybe I even find one that fits my needs. - Tinkering: If I haven't found a prompt that fits my needs, I will use a simular one and change that up a bit so it does fit my needs. "Question 3: What is the result?" - Available Product Analysis: I searched online for prompts and found a github with a lot of examples: [Add link to github]. Some were close like "Essay Writer", but none really fitted my needs. I found an extention for ChatGPT that also contained a lot of example prompts. I found the following prompt: [Add prompt link]. - Tinkering/ End result: The prompt didn't fully fit my needs, so I changed it a bit: [Add new prompt link]. After trying this out, ChatGPT didn't write in the devlog style that I wanted. As a result of that, I added a template of a devlog to the original prompt: This is the template: [add template]. "Question 4: What is the quality of the result?" During the third portfolio review, both coaches agreed on my devlogs being great and said that I should continue doing it the same way. However, it felt really cheap that I just stated that I used ChatGPT at the very end. We agreed on creating a devlog around it (this devlog) as well as stating properly stated the use of ChatGPT instead of 1 sentence at the very end. As said in the result, I will note the prompt at the bottom of a devlog. "Question 5: What is the next step?" Within project: As said earlier, the next logical step is adding new levels since we now have multiple enemies and defenses, so levels can be based/ designed around those factors. When creating new levels, I also create an opportunity for myself to test the enraged and flying enemies. Long term: I can now use ChatGPT to help creating properly writen devlogs. This helps with the quality and speed of my devlogs.
Daniël Bouman
Shared 3 prompts
Created 1 year ago

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