Prompt Title: Duplicate class exclusion

Created 1 year ago
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That's great to hear! Congratulations on successfully implementing the custom plugin example.

Now that the custom plugin is working, you can proceed with the actual implementation of the GBHealth library in your iOS project. Here are the steps you can follow:

  1. Start by integrating the GBHealth framework into your Xcode project. Here's how you can do it:

    • Open your Xcode project.
    • Navigate to the project settings by clicking on the project name in the Project Navigator.
    • Select the target for your app.
    • Go to the "General" tab.
    • Scroll down to the "Frameworks, Libraries, and Embedded Content" section.
    • Click the "+" button and select the "Add Other..." option.
    • Browse to the location where you extracted the GBHealth framework.
    • Select the GB_Framework.framework file and click "Open".
    • Make sure to select the appropriate options for embedding the framework (e.g., "Embed & Sign" or "Do Not Embed").
  2. Once the framework is added, you need to create a bridging header file to expose the GBHealth framework to your React Native code. Here's how you can create a bridging header file:

    • In Xcode, right-click on the root of your project in the Project Navigator.
    • Select "New File...".
    • Choose the "Header File" template.
    • Name the file "YourProjectName-Bridging-Header.h".
    • Confirm the save location.
    • Xcode will prompt you to configure the bridging header file. Click "Create Bridging Header".
  3. Open the bridging header file ("YourProjectName-Bridging-Header.h") and add the following import statement:

    #import <GB_Framework/GB_Framework.h>
  4. Now, you can start using the GBHealth library in your React Native code. You can create a new Native Module that serves as a bridge between your React Native code and the GBHealth library. In this Native Module, you can implement methods that interface with the GBHealth library's functionality.

    • Create a new Objective-C file in your Xcode project (File > New > File... > Objective-C File).
    • Name the file something like "GBHealthModule".
    • When Xcode prompts you to create a bridging header, click "Create Bridging Header".
    • Xcode will generate two files: "GBHealthModule.m" and "YourProjectName-Bridging-Header.h".
  5. Open the "GBHealthModule.m" file and update its contents with the implementation code specific to the GBHealth library. You'll need to import the necessary headers from the GBHealth framework and define your methods to interact with the library's functionality.

    For example, you can create a method to start the GBHealth measurement:

    #import "GBHealthModule.h" #import <GB_Framework/GB_Framework.h> @implementation GBHealthModule RCT_EXPORT_MODULE(); RCT_EXPORT_METHOD(startMeasurement) { // Code to start GBHealth measurement [GBHealthMeasurement start]; } @end
  6. Finally, you can use the GBHealthModule in your React Native code. Import the Native Module and call its methods as needed.

    For example, you can call the startMeasurement method:

    import { NativeModules } from 'react-native'; const { GBHealthModule } = NativeModules; GBHealthModule.startMeasurement();

That's the general approach to integrating the GBHealth library into your iOS project. You'll need to refer to the GBHealth documentation and adapt the implementation based on the specific

igor duarte
Shared 3 prompts
Created 1 year ago

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