Prompt Title: Migrate sql server 2019 to another box

Created 1 year ago
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Prompt Detail:

Migrating all databases, including system databases, from one SQL Server to another is a complex task that requires careful planning and execution. Here's a step-by-step guide to help you with this process:

1. Preparing the Destination Server

  • Install SQL Server: Ensure that the destination server has the same version of SQL Server installed.
  • Configure Settings: Match the SQL Server configuration settings on the destination server to those on the source server.

2. Backup User Databases

  • Backup All User Databases: On the source server, take full backups of all user databases that you want to migrate.
  • Copy Backups to Destination Server: Transfer the backup files to the destination server.

3. Backup System Databases

  • Backup System Databases: Take backups of the system databases (master, msdb, model) on the source server.
  • Note: The tempdb database is recreated at startup, so it doesn't need to be backed up.

4. Restore User Databases

  • Restore User Databases: On the destination server, restore all user databases from the backups.

5. Migrate Logins

  • Script Logins: Use the sp_help_revlogin stored procedure to script out the logins from the source server.
  • Execute Script on Destination Server: Run the script on the destination server to create the logins.

6. Migrate SQL Server Agent Jobs

  • Script Jobs: Use SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS) to script out the SQL Server Agent jobs from the source server.
  • Execute Script on Destination Server: Run the script on the destination server to create the jobs.

7. Restore System Databases

  • Stop SQL Server Service on Destination Server: You'll need to stop the SQL Server service to restore the system databases.
  • Restore master Database: Restore the master database backup on the destination server.
  • Restore msdb and model Databases: Restore the msdb and model database backups.
  • Start SQL Server Service: Start the SQL Server service on the destination server.

8. Verify Migration

  • Test Connectivity: Ensure that applications and users can connect to the destination server.
  • Verify Data Integrity: Check that all data has been migrated correctly.
  • Verify Jobs and Logins: Confirm that all jobs and logins are working as expected.

9. Update DNS or Connection Strings

  • Update Connection Information: If necessary, update DNS entries or connection strings in applications to point to the new server.

Important Considerations

  • Compatibility: Ensure that the destination server is compatible with the source server in terms of SQL Server version, collation settings, etc.
  • Downtime: Plan for downtime, as some steps (like restoring system databases) will require stopping the SQL Server service.
  • Testing: Consider performing a test migration on a non-production environment to validate the process.


Migrating all databases, including system databases, is a detailed and sensitive operation. It's highly recommended to involve a database administrator with experience in SQL Server migrations to ensure a smooth transition. Always have a rollback plan in case something goes wrong, and consider engaging Microsoft Support if you encounter any issues.

I have a sql server 2019 installed on windows server 2019. I want to install all the databases from that sql server to another sql server box, including all the system databases. The system databases contain all the logins as well as all the jobs from the sql server agent on the 1st box, which I want to maintain. How do I do this?

Certainly! Below are the scripts you can use to back up and restore the system databases (master, msdb, and model) from one SQL Server to another.

Backup System Databases

You can use the following scripts to back up the system databases on the source server:

-- Backup master database BACKUP DATABASE master TO DISK = 'C:\Backup\master.bak' WITH FORMAT; -- Backup msdb database BACKUP DATABASE msdb TO DISK = 'C:\Backup\msdb.bak' WITH FORMAT; -- Backup model database BACKUP DATABASE model TO DISK = 'C:\Backup\model.bak' WITH FORMAT;

Make sure to replace 'C:\Backup\ with the actual path where you want to store the backup files.

Restore System Databases

Restoring system databases requires stopping and starting the SQL Server service, and the process is more involved than restoring user databases.

Restore master Database

  1. Stop SQL Server Service: You can do this through SQL Server Configuration Manager or by running the following command in Command Prompt (as an administrator):

    net stop MSSQLSERVER
  2. Start SQL Server in Single-User Mode: Run the following command:

    net start MSSQLSERVER /m
  3. Restore master Database: Connect to SQL Server using sqlcmd and run the following command:

    RESTORE DATABASE master FROM DISK = 'C:\Backup\master.bak' WITH REPLACE;
  4. Restart SQL Server in Multi-User Mode: Stop and start the SQL Server service again:

    net stop MSSQLSERVER net start MSSQLSERVER

Restore msdb and model Databases

You can restore the msdb and model databases using the following scripts:

-- Restore msdb database RESTORE DATABASE msdb FROM DISK = 'C:\Backup\msdb.bak' WITH REPLACE; -- Restore model database RESTORE DATABASE model FROM DISK = 'C:\Backup\model.bak' WITH REPLACE;

Important Notes

  • Make sure to replace 'C:\Backup\ with the actual path where the backup files are located.
  • Ensure that the SQL Server service account has the necessary permissions to access the backup files.
  • Be extremely careful when restoring system databases, especially the master database, as mistakes can lead to a non-functional SQL Server instance.
  • It's highly recommended to perform these operations in a test environment first and to have a rollback plan in place.

Always consult the official Microsoft documentation or work with a seasoned SQL Server DBA to ensure that the process is carried out correctly and safely.

give me the scripts for backing up and restoring all the system databases to the new box

To run the RESTORE DATABASE command for the master database using sqlcmd, follow these steps:

  1. Stop the SQL Server Service: You can stop the SQL Server service using the SQL Server Configuration Manager or by running the following command in the Command Prompt (as an administrator):

    net stop MSSQLSERVER

    Note: If you're using a named instance, replace MSSQLSERVER with the name of your instance.

  2. Start SQL Server in Single-User Mode: Start the SQL Server service in single-user mode using the following command:

    net start MSSQLSERVER /m

    Again, replace MSSQLSERVER if you're using a named instance.

  3. Connect to SQL Server Using sqlcmd: Open a Command Prompt as an administrator and connect to the SQL Server instance using sqlcmd:

    sqlcmd -S localhost -d master

    If you're using a named instance, replace localhost with localhost\YourInstanceName.

  4. Run the Restore Command: Once connected to sqlcmd, you can run the restore command:

    RESTORE DATABASE master FROM DISK = 'd:\mssql\Backup\master.bak' WITH REPLACE; GO

    After executing the command, wait for the process to complete. You should see a message indicating the success of the restore operation.

  5. Exit sqlcmd: Type exit and press Enter to exit sqlcmd.

  6. Restart SQL Server in Multi-User Mode: Stop and then start the SQL Server service again to switch back to multi-user mode:

    net stop MSSQLSERVER net start MSSQLSERVER

    Remember to replace MSSQLSERVER if you're using a named instance.

That's it! You've successfully restored the master database using sqlcmd. Always ensure you have a backup of all critical data and configurations before performing such operations, and consider testing the process in a non-production environment first.

how exactly do I run RESTORE DATABASE master FROM DISK = 'd:mssql\Backup\master.bak' WITH REPLACE; from sqlcmd

Certainly! Below is a T-SQL script to restore the databases from the provided backup files:

-- Restore dbfedbizops RESTORE DATABASE dbfedbizops FROM DISK = 'd:\mssql\backup\dbfedbizops.bak' WITH REPLACE; -- Restore dbflis RESTORE DATABASE dbflis FROM DISK = 'd:\mssql\backup\dbflis.bak' WITH REPLACE; -- Restore dbflisdata RESTORE DATABASE dbflisdata FROM DISK = 'd:\mssql\backup\dbflisdata.bak' WITH REPLACE; -- Restore dbfpds RESTORE DATABASE dbfpds FROM DISK = 'd:\mssql\backup\dbfpds.bak' WITH REPLACE; -- Restore dbHospitals RESTORE DATABASE dbHospitals FROM DISK = 'd:\mssql\backup\dbHospitals.bak' WITH REPLACE; -- Restore dbLogs RESTORE DATABASE dbLogs FROM DISK = 'd:\mssql\backup\dbLogs.bak' WITH REPLACE; -- Restore dbMarketing RESTORE DATABASE dbMarketing FROM DISK = 'd:\mssql\backup\dbMarketing.bak' WITH REPLACE; -- Restore dbMarketReports RESTORE DATABASE dbMarketReports FROM DISK = 'd:\mssql\backup\dbMarketReports.bak' WITH REPLACE; -- Restore dbMilitaryParts RESTORE DATABASE dbMilitaryParts FROM DISK = 'd:\mssql\backup\dbMilitaryParts.bak' WITH REPLACE; -- Restore dbMobile RESTORE DATABASE dbMobile FROM DISK = 'd:\mssql\backup\dbMobile.bak' WITH REPLACE; -- Restore dbProcurement RESTORE DATABASE dbProcurement FROM DISK = 'd:\mssql\backup\dbProcurement.bak' WITH REPLACE; -- Restore dbPTAC RESTORE DATABASE dbPTAC FROM DISK = 'd:\mssql\backup\dbPTAC.bak' WITH REPLACE; -- Restore dbspecs RESTORE DATABASE dbspecs FROM DISK = 'd:\mssql\backup\dbspecs.bak' WITH REPLACE; -- Restore dbTemp RESTORE DATABASE dbTemp FROM DISK = 'd:\mssql\backup\dbTemp.bak' WITH REPLACE; -- Restore dbUsers RESTORE DATABASE dbUsers FROM DISK = 'd:\mssql\backup\dbUsers.bak' WITH REPLACE; -- Restore Scrapers RESTORE DATABASE Scrapers FROM DISK = 'd:\mssql\backup\Scrapers.bak' WITH REPLACE; -- Restore Tiger RESTORE DATABASE Tiger FROM DISK = 'd:\mssql\backup\Tiger.bak' WITH REPLACE;

Make sure you have the necessary permissions to restore databases and that no other processes are using these databases during the restore operation. Always ensure you have a backup of all critical data and configurations before performing such operations.

write a tsql script to restore the following databases from d:\mssql\backup dbfedbizops.bak dbflis.bak dbflisdata.bak dbfpds.bak dbHospitals.bak dbLogs.bak dbMarketing.bak dbMarketReports.bak dbMilitaryParts.bak dbMobile.bak dbProcurement.bak dbPTAC.bak dbspecs.bak dbTemp.bak dbUsers.bak Scrapers.bak Tiger.bak
robert amaio
Shared 2 prompts
Created 1 year ago

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