Prompt Title: Single Responsibility Principle in Android

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Single Responsibility Principle (SRP) Violation in Android and Kotlin

The Single Responsibility Principle, one of the core SOLID principles, states that a class should have only one reason to change, meaning it should have only one job or responsibility. Let’s explore an example of an SRP violation in Android development using Kotlin, then see how adhering to SRP resolves the issues.

1. Example of SRP Violation

Imagine an Android ViewModel that handles user authentication, but also directly manages database operations and network calls.

class UserViewModel(private val context: Context, private val apiService: ApiService, private val db: AppDatabase) : ViewModel() { val userLiveData = MutableLiveData<User>() fun loginUser(email: String, password: String) { if (apiService.authenticate(email, password)) { val user = db.userDao().getUser(email) userLiveData.postValue(user) db.logDao().insertLog(Log("User logged in")) } else { userLiveData.postValue(null) } } }

Problems Created by This Violation:

  • Tight Coupling: The ViewModel is tightly coupled with the database and the network logic.
  • Hard to Test: Testing this ViewModel requires mocking the database and the network layers, making the tests more complex and brittle.
  • Difficult to Maintain: Any changes in the database handling or network calls might require changes to the ViewModel, violating the SRP.
  • Scalability Issues: As the application grows, this ViewModel will grow too, accumulating more responsibilities and becoming increasingly difficult to manage.

2. Implementing SRP to Solve These Problems

To adhere to SRP, we should refactor the ViewModel to delegate responsibilities of network calls and database management to separate classes.

Refactored Example:

First, create a UserRepository class that handles all data management tasks, both network and database.

class UserRepository(private val apiService: ApiService, private val db: AppDatabase) { fun authenticateUser(email: String, password: String): User? { return if (apiService.authenticate(email, password)) { val user = db.userDao().getUser(email) db.logDao().insertLog(Log("User logged in")) user } else { null } } }

Now, refactor the ViewModel to use the UserRepository.

class UserViewModel(private val userRepository: UserRepository) : ViewModel() { val userLiveData = MutableLiveData<User>() fun loginUser(email: String, password: String) { val user = userRepository.authenticateUser(email, password) userLiveData.postValue(user) } }

Problems Solved by This Implementation:

  • Reduced Coupling: The ViewModel is now only responsible for handling UI-related logic and delegates data management to the repository.
  • Improved Testability: The ViewModel can be easily tested by mocking the UserRepository. The UserRepository itself can be tested separately for database and network operations.
  • Ease of Maintenance: Changes in how data is fetched or stored affect only the UserRepository, not the ViewModel.
  • Better Scalability: Both classes are now smaller and adhere to SRP, making them easier to manage as the application grows.


  • Separation of concerns: Each class now has a clear, distinct responsibility.
  • More maintainable code: With each class handling a specific aspect, maintaining and updating the codebase becomes more straightforward.
  • Enhanced collaboration: Different developers can work on the ViewModel and the repository without stepping on each other’s toes, facilitating better team collaboration.

This refactoring aligns with Clean Architecture, where data flow between the UI layer and the data layer should be mediated through use cases or interactors, which the repository pattern effectively accomplishes. This architecture not only adheres to SRP but also sets a strong foundation for building robust, scalable Android applications.

Shared 11 prompts
Created 10 months ago

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