Prompt Detail:
Sure, I'd be happy to provide more information about the database I created earlier.
Purpose and Tasks
The purpose of this database is to manage information about books, customers, orders, and order details for a bookstore. With this database, you can perform tasks such as:
- Add, edit, and delete information about books, customers, orders, and order details
- Track which customers have placed which orders, and what books were included in those orders
- Calculate total sales and revenue by book, customer, or date range
- Determine which books are popular and which are not selling well
- Manage inventory levels by tracking which books have been sold and how many copies are still available
Object Characteristics
Here are some of the main characteristics of the objects in this database:
- Title (string): the title of the book
- Author (string): the name of the book's author
- Genre (string): the genre of the book
- Price (decimal): the price of the book
- Publication date (date): the date the book was published
- Publisher (string): the name of the book's publisher
- ISBN (string): the book's ISBN number
- First name (string): the customer's first name
- Last name (string): the customer's last name
- Email (string): the customer's email address
- Phone (string): the customer's phone number
- Address (string): the customer's street address
- City (string): the customer's city
- State (string): the customer's state
- Zip code (string): the customer's zip code
- Order date (date): the date the order was placed
- Total price (decimal): the total price of the order
Order Details:
- Quantity (integer): the quantity of the book ordered
Logical Schema
Here is the logical schema for the database:
- book_id (primary key)
- title
- author
- genre
- price
- publication_date
- publisher
- isbn
- customer_id (primary key)
- first_name
- last_name
- email
- phone
- address
- city
- state
- zip_code
- order_id (primary key)
- customer_id (foreign key to Customers)
- order_date
- total_price
- order_detail_id (primary key)
- order_id (foreign key to Orders)
- book_id (foreign key to Books)
- quantity
I hope this information is helpful! Let me know if you have any further questions.