Prompt Detail:
Yes, it's possible to have a text view with pre-existing text and placeholders for the user to fill in their name and surname.
One way to achieve this is by using SpannableStringBuilder
to create a string with placeholders for the user's name and surname, and then setting it as the text for the TextView
Here's an example code snippet:
kotlinval textView = findViewById<TextView>(
val placeholder = "Name Surname"
val text = "Please enter your $placeholder below:"
val spannable = SpannableStringBuilder(text)
val startIndex = text.indexOf(placeholder)
val endIndex = startIndex + placeholder.length
val editable = Editable.Factory.getInstance().newEditable(placeholder)
spannable.setSpan(editable, startIndex, endIndex, Spannable.SPAN_EXCLUSIVE_EXCLUSIVE)
textView.text = spannable
In the above code, we first get a reference to the TextView
using the findViewById()
method. We then create a string with a placeholder for the user's name and surname, and set it as the text for the TextView
Next, we create a SpannableStringBuilder
from the text, find the index of the placeholder in the text, and create an Editable
from the placeholder. We then set the Editable
as a span on the SpannableStringBuilder
at the index of the placeholder.
The resulting string with placeholders will be displayed in the TextView
, and the user can tap on the placeholders to enter their name and surname. You can retrieve the text entered by the user using the getText()
method on the Editable