Prompt Title: running android program under recovery mode

Created 1 year ago
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Prompt Detail:

The function "_ZNK7android7RefBase22incStrongRequireStrongEPKv" is part of the Android framework's reference counting mechanism (RefBase). This function is typically found in the library, which is one of the core libraries in the Android framework.

The library provides various utility functions and classes used throughout the Android framework. The RefBase class, which includes the incStrongRequireStrong function, is part of this library.

If you encounter an error indicating that this symbol is missing, it is likely that the library is either not present or not properly linked with your program.

Make sure that you have the correct version of available and that it is properly linked during the compilation and linking process of your program. Verify that the library is included in the library search path (LD_LIBRARY_PATH) and that the correct version is being linked.

Keep in mind that the specific library file name and location may vary depending on the Android version, device, and specific build configuration. It's always a good practice to consult the documentation and resources specific to the Android framework version you are working with for accurate information about library dependencies.

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Created 1 year ago

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