Prompt Title: iQCheckPoint Manual Testing.

Created 1 year ago
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Views 420 times
Human: <div class="empty:hidden">I'm a manual software tester. I am working on a project. Below are the details of the project. I'll ask a question based on this. Project name: iQCheckPoint Website: Project Overview: Basically, it is a roaster management system. In iQCheckPoint, we take business, Client, location, and Area. This is a fundamental requirement for our product. So, here, the workforce business can add employees based on his client and location. The employee is basically working on an area. Location is the parent of area. In each location, there are multiple areas. We also have Android and iOS mobile and kiosk apps. Basic functionalities: schedule shifts in day view or week view with or without meal break timings, Start/end shift, start/end break, start/end loop, Make scans, loop scans, fill out forms, approve timesheets, etc. Different user roles in the system: 5 types: System admin, Location manager, supervisor, employee, and Client Backend:.NET Core (Web API), C# Version 3.0 Database: Postgresql Frontend: Angular Android: Version 11+ iOS: Version 14+ Dev Environment: Testing Environment: UAT Environment: Production Environment: Bug Reports: For each bug, I'll create a new JIRA card and assign it to the concerned developer. Testing Resources: I'll do only manual testing. I'll use the brave browser on Ubuntu for web testing and different devices for Android and iOS apps. Client: Dan and Dharmik When clients find a bug or request a new feature, they will create a Trello card and give us a link to it.</div>

Thank you for providing the details about your project, iQCheckPoint. As a manual software tester, you have a crucial role in ensuring the quality and functionality of the system. Now, feel free to ask any specific questions you have related to the project, and I'll do my best to help you out.

Human: <div class="empty:hidden">How can I use this system in the hospitality industry? Can you generate sample data for me? I want data for the following field. Data should be based on Sydney location. Only one Business name with address and telephone</div>

Certainly, I can help you generate some sample data for the hospitality industry in the context of iQCheckPoint. Here's an example of how you could structure the data for a business in the hospitality sector based in Sydney:

Business Name: Sydney Delight Hotel Address: 123 Sydney Street, Sydney, NSW 2000, Australia Telephone: +61 2 1234 5678

Please note that this is just an example, and you can customize the details according to your requirements. The provided data is based on a fictitious business for illustrative purposes.

If you need more sample data or have any further questions, feel free to ask!

Human: <div class="empty:hidden">Create two Clients with names, addresses, and telephone numbers.</div>

Certainly, here are two example clients with their names, addresses, and telephone numbers for your iQCheckPoint project in the hospitality industry:

Client 1:

  • Name: Elegant Eateries Group
  • Address: 456 Gourmet Lane, Sydney, NSW 2000, Australia
  • Telephone: +61 2 9876 5432

Client 2:

  • Name: Coastal Catering Services
  • Address: 789 Seaside Avenue, Sydney, NSW 2000, Australia
  • Telephone: +61 2 3456 7890

These client details are purely fictional and meant for demonstration purposes. Feel free to modify or expand the data as needed for your testing or project requirements.

Human: <div class="empty:hidden">Create two locations with names, addresses, and telephone numbers for both clients.</div>

Certainly, here are two example locations for each of the clients you provided earlier, along with their names, addresses, and telephone numbers:

Client: Elegant Eateries Group

Location 1:

  • Name: Downtown Delights Restaurant
  • Address: 123 Gourmet Street, Sydney, NSW 2000, Australia
  • Telephone: +61 2 1111 2222

Location 2:

  • Name: Garden Oasis Cafe
  • Address: 456 Greenway Avenue, Sydney, NSW 2000, Australia
  • Telephone: +61 2 3333 4444

Client: Coastal Catering Services

Location 1:

  • Name: Beachside Banquet Hall
  • Address: 789 Seaview Drive, Sydney, NSW 2000, Australia
  • Telephone: +61 2 5555 6666

Location 2:

  • Name: Harbor View Pavilion
  • Address: 101 Coastal Avenue, Sydney, NSW 2000, Australia
  • Telephone: +61 2 7777 8888

Please remember that these location details are fictional and provided for illustrative purposes. You can adjust or expand upon this data as required for your testing or project needs.

Human: <div class="empty:hidden">Create at least three Areas for each location.</div>

Certainly, here are three example areas for each of the locations you provided earlier, under their respective clients:

Client: Elegant Eateries Group

Location: Downtown Delights Restaurant

Area 1:

  • Name: Main Dining Hall
  • Description: Spacious area with elegant decor for fine dining.

Area 2:

  • Name: Patio Garden
  • Description: Outdoor seating area surrounded by lush greenery.

Area 3:

  • Name: Private Lounge
  • Description: Intimate setting for exclusive events and gatherings.

Location: Garden Oasis Cafe

Area 1:

  • Name: Indoor Cafe Seating
  • Description: Cozy indoor area for customers to enjoy their meals.

Area 2:

  • Name: Terrace Seating
  • Description: Open-air terrace with a view of the garden for a relaxing dining experience.

Area 3:

  • Name: Bakery Corner
  • Description: Dedicated space for showcasing and selling freshly baked goods.

Client: Coastal Catering Services

Location: Beachside Banquet Hall

Area 1:

  • Name: Grand Ballroom
  • Description: Lavish hall suitable for weddings, conferences, and large gatherings.

Area 2:

  • Name: Ocean View Terrace
  • Description: Outdoor area with a view of the sea, ideal for receptions.

Area 3:

  • Name: VIP Lounge
  • Description: Exclusive lounge for special guests with personalized services.

Location: Harbor View Pavilion

Area 1:

  • Name: Sunset Deck
  • Description: Elevated deck offering stunning views of the harbor and sunsets.

Area 2:

  • Name: Waterfront Pavilion
  • Description: Pavilion right by the water, perfect for casual events.

Area 3:

  • Name: Coastal Garden
  • Description: Open garden space for outdoor ceremonies and gatherings.

These area details are fictional and provided for demonstration purposes. You can modify or expand upon this data as needed for your testing or project requirements.

Human: <div class="empty:hidden">Generate people details for all locations of both clients as per below format. People can be assigned on a single area or multiple areas. Emails should be of Format: Client name - Location name Roles (Location manager/Supervisor/Employee) People details [x1 of each roles and x3 of employees] First name - Last name Email Phone number Assigned area</div>

Sure, here are the people details for all the locations of both clients as per your requested format:

Client: Elegant Eateries Group

Location: Downtown Delights Restaurant Roles: Location Manager, Supervisor, Employee (x3)

Location Manager:

  • First Name: Olivia
  • Last Name: Anderson
  • Email: [email protected]
  • Phone Number: +61 2 1111 2222
  • Assigned Area: Main Dining Hall


  • First Name: Ethan
  • Last Name: Carter
  • Email: [email protected]
  • Phone Number: +61 2 1111 3333
  • Assigned Area: Patio Garden


  1. First Name: Sophia Last Name: Smith Email: [email protected] Phone Number: +61 2 1111 4444 Assigned Area: Main Dining Hall

  2. First Name: Jackson Last Name: Johnson Email: [email protected] Phone Number: +61 2 1111 5555 Assigned Area: Patio Garden

  3. First Name: Ava Last Name: Martinez Email: [email protected] Phone Number: +61 2 1111 6666 Assigned Area: Private Lounge

Location: Garden Oasis Cafe Roles: Location Manager, Supervisor, Employee (x3)

Location Manager:

  • First Name: Liam
  • Last Name: Brown
  • Email: [email protected]
  • Phone Number: +61 2 2222 3333
  • Assigned Area: Indoor Cafe Seating


  • First Name: Mia
  • Last Name: Davis
  • Email: [email protected]
  • Phone Number: +61 2 2222 4444
  • Assigned Area: Terrace Seating


  1. First Name: Noah Last Name: Taylor Email: [email protected] Phone Number: +61 2 2222 5555 Assigned Area: Indoor Cafe Seating

  2. First Name: Isabella Last Name: Clark Email: [email protected] Phone Number: +61 2 2222 6666 Assigned Area: Terrace Seating

  3. First Name: James Last Name: White Email: [email protected] Phone Number: +61 2 2222 7777 Assigned Area: Bakery Corner

Client: Coastal Catering Services

Location: Beachside Banquet Hall Roles: Location Manager, Supervisor, Employee (x3)

Location Manager:

  • First Name: Oliver
  • Last Name: Adams
  • Email: [email protected]
  • Phone Number: +61 2 3333 4444
  • Assigned Area: Grand Ballroom


  • First Name: Emily
  • Last Name: Turner
  • Email: [email protected]
  • Phone Number: +61 2 3333 5555
  • Assigned Area: Ocean View Terrace


  1. First Name: Liam Last Name: Harris Email: [email protected] Phone Number: +61 2 3333 6666 Assigned Area: Grand Ballroom

  2. First Name: Olivia Last Name: Wright Email: [email protected] Phone Number: +61 2 3333 7777 Assigned Area: Ocean View Terrace

  3. First Name: Ethan Last Name: Martinez Email: [email protected] Phone Number: +61 2 3333 8888 Assigned Area: VIP Lounge

Location: Harbor View Pavilion Roles: Location Manager, Supervisor, Employee (x3)

Location Manager:

  • First Name: Ava
  • Last Name: Miller
  • Email: [email protected]
  • Phone Number: +61 2 4444 5555
  • Assigned Area: Sunset Deck


  • First Name: Jackson Last Name: Rodriguez Email: [email protected] Phone Number: +61 2 4444 6666 Assigned Area: Waterfront Pavilion


  1. First Name: Sophia Last Name: Lee Email: [email protected] Phone Number: +61 2 4444 7777 Assigned Area: Sunset Deck

  2. First Name: Noah Last Name: Johnson Email: [email protected] Phone Number: +61 2 4444 8888 Assigned Area: Waterfront Pavilion

  3. First Name: Mia Last Name: Martinez Email: [email protected] Phone Number: +61 2 4444 9999 Assigned Area: Coastal Garden

These people details are fictional and provided for illustrative purposes. You can adjust or expand upon this data as needed for your testing or project requirements.

Human: <div class="empty:hidden">Create some Shifts with breaks.</div>

Certainly, here are some example shifts with breaks for the employees in different areas of the locations:

Shift 1: Downtown Delights Restaurant - Main Dining Hall

  • Employee: Sophia Smith
  • Date: 2023-08-10
  • Shift Start: 09:00 AM
  • Shift End: 02:00 PM
  • Break 1: 11:30 AM - 12:00 PM

Shift 2: Garden Oasis Cafe - Indoor Cafe Seating

  • Employee: Liam Harris
  • Date: 2023-08-11
  • Shift Start: 11:30 AM
  • Shift End: 04:30 PM
  • Break 1: 01:30 PM - 02:00 PM

Shift 3: Beachside Banquet Hall - Grand Ballroom

  • Employee: Noah Taylor
  • Date: 2023-08-12
  • Shift Start: 03:00 PM
  • Shift End: 09:00 PM
  • Break 1: 05:30 PM - 06:00 PM
  • Break 2: 07:30 PM - 08:00 PM

Shift 4: Harbor View Pavilion - Sunset Deck

  • Employee: Sophia Lee
  • Date: 2023-08-13
  • Shift Start: 04:00 PM
  • Shift End: 09:30 PM
  • Break 1: 06:30 PM - 07:00 PM

Please note that these shift details are fictional and provided for demonstration purposes. You can adjust or expand upon this data according to your testing or project requirements.

Human: <div class="empty:hidden">Create some Loop tasks in the below format. Loop name Loop multiple Reward point Loop buffer Area Loop interval</div>

Certainly, here are some example loop tasks in the requested format:

Loop 1: Cleaning Routine

  • Loop Name: Daily Cleaning
  • Loop Multiple: Yes (Repeat daily)
  • Reward Point: 10 points per completion
  • Loop Buffer: 30 minutes
  • Area: Main Dining Hall
  • Loop Interval: Every 24 hours

Loop 2: Inventory Check

  • Loop Name: Weekly Inventory
  • Loop Multiple: Yes (Repeat weekly)
  • Reward Point: 20 points per completion
  • Loop Buffer: 1 hour
  • Area: Indoor Cafe Seating
  • Loop Interval: Every 7 days

Loop 3: Event Setup

  • Loop Name: Event Preparation
  • Loop Multiple: Yes (Repeat as needed)
  • Reward Point: 15 points per completion
  • Loop Buffer: 2 hours
  • Area: Grand Ballroom
  • Loop Interval: Custom schedule based on upcoming events

Please remember that these loop task details are fictional and provided for illustrative purposes. You can customize or modify this data based on your testing or project needs.

Human: <div class="empty:hidden">create one Location-level Task Group with tasks in below format: It should be about Daily Cleaning and for Main Dining Hall location. Task Group name Task name - task note - multiple time?</div>

Certainly, here's an example of a location-level task group related to daily cleaning for the Main Dining Hall location:

Task Group Name: Main Dining Hall - Daily Cleaning


Task 1:

  • Task Name: Sweep the Floors
  • Task Note: Sweep and mop the dining hall floor thoroughly, ensuring all corners are cleaned.
  • Multiple Time?: No (Once a day)

Task 2:

  • Task Name: Wipe Tables
  • Task Note: Clean all the tables in the dining area using a damp cloth, removing any spills or debris.
  • Multiple Time?: Yes (Multiple times a day)

Task 3:

  • Task Name: Empty Trash Bins
  • Task Note: Empty all trash bins located in the Main Dining Hall area and replace with fresh bin liners.
  • Multiple Time?: Yes (Multiple times a day)

Task 4:

  • Task Name: Restock Condiments
  • Task Note: Check and replenish condiment stations with clean and filled containers.
  • Multiple Time?: No (Once a day)

Please note that these task details are fictional and provided for demonstration purposes. You can modify or expand upon this data to match the actual cleaning tasks and requirements for your Main Dining Hall location.

Human: <div class="empty:hidden">Create one Location-level form with fields in the below format: It should be about Daily Cleaning and the Main Dining Hall location. Field type Label Placeholder Description Required</div>

Certainly, here's an example of a location-level form related to daily cleaning for the Main Dining Hall location:

Form Name: Main Dining Hall - Daily Cleaning Checklist


Field 1:

  • Field Type: Text
  • Label: Date
  • Placeholder: Select date
  • Description: Date of the cleaning checklist.
  • Required: Yes

Field 2:

  • Field Type: Checkbox
  • Label: Sweep the Floors
  • Placeholder: -
  • Description: Check this box if the dining hall floor has been swept.
  • Required: Yes

Field 3:

  • Field Type: Checkbox
  • Label: Wipe Tables
  • Placeholder: -
  • Description: Check this box if all tables have been wiped down.
  • Required: Yes

Field 4:

  • Field Type: Checkbox
  • Label: Empty Trash Bins
  • Placeholder: -
  • Description: Check this box if all trash bins have been emptied and replaced.
  • Required: Yes

Field 5:

  • Field Type: Checkbox
  • Label: Restock Condiments
  • Placeholder: -
  • Description: Check this box if condiment stations have been restocked.
  • Required: Yes

Field 6:

  • Field Type: Textarea
  • Label: Additional Notes
  • Placeholder: Enter any additional notes here.
  • Description: Add any extra information or comments related to the cleaning process.
  • Required: No

Please keep in mind that these form details are fictional and provided for illustrative purposes. You can customize or modify this data based on the actual cleaning checklist and requirements for your Main Dining Hall location.

Human: <div class="empty:hidden">Create one shift start form with fields in the below format: It should be about the Main Dining Hall location. Max fields: 3 Field type Label Placeholder Description Required</div>

Certainly, here's an example of a shift start form for the Main Dining Hall location with a maximum of three fields:

Form Name: Main Dining Hall - Shift Start Form


Field 1:

  • Field Type: Text
  • Label: Employee Name
  • Placeholder: Enter employee's full name
  • Description: Enter the name of the employee starting the shift.
  • Required: Yes

Field 2:

  • Field Type: Text
  • Label: Start Time
  • Placeholder: Enter start time (e.g., 09:00 AM)
  • Description: Enter the start time of the shift.
  • Required: Yes

Field 3:

  • Field Type: Checkbox
  • Label: Checked Uniform
  • Placeholder: -
  • Description: Check this box if the employee's uniform has been checked and is in proper condition.
  • Required: No

Please note that these form details are fictional and provided for demonstration purposes. You can customize or modify this data to match the actual shift start form requirements for your Main Dining Hall location.

Human: <div class="empty:hidden">Create dummy client users for both clients. (Don't use Dan or Dharmik) Format: Client name; location name Roles (Client User) People details First name, last name Email Phone number</div>

Sure, here are some example dummy client users for both clients:

Client: Elegant Eateries Group Location: Downtown Delights Restaurant Roles: Client User

Client: Coastal Catering Services Location: Beachside Banquet Hall Roles: Client User

These client user details are fictional and provided for demonstration purposes. You can adjust or expand upon this data based on your testing or project requirements.

Human: <div class="empty:hidden">create a release note to publish on whatsapp message. Feature list: - Feature: 1. Added readable option for file control in form builder (trello: 2. Updated visa expire email templates (trello: - Fix: 1. Fixed form style change option for wizard style form while editing. Now, form style option is locked but user can change form type. 2. On people screen, fixed pagination UI was breaking while sorting data. Released Web Version - iQCheckPoint 1.0.xx (</div>

Certainly! Here's the release note that you can publish on WhatsApp message:

🚀 New Release: iQCheckPoint Version 1.0.xx 🚀 We're excited to announce the latest update to iQCheckPoint, bringing you some exciting new features and important fixes! Here's what's included in this release: **Features:** - Added a readable option for file control in the form builder, making it easier to manage attachments. Check it out on Trello: [Link]( - Updated visa expire email templates to ensure better communication. Details can be found on Trello: [Link]( **Fixes:** - Fixed the form style change option for wizard-style forms during editing. Now, the form style option is locked, but users can still change the form type. - Resolved an issue on the people screen where pagination UI was breaking while sorting data. Enjoy the improved experience and functionality with iQCheckPoint Version 1.0.xx! You can access the latest version by visiting []( Stay tuned for more updates and enhancements coming your way. Your feedback and suggestions are always valued as we continue to make iQCheckPoint even better! Best regards, The iQCheckPoint Team

Feel free to customize the release note as needed before sharing it on WhatsApp.

Quan Aun
Shared 4 prompts
Created 1 year ago

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