Prompt Detail:
You can convert the provided C code to Python as follows:
pythonimport sys
clothes = []
clothes_count = 0
money = 10
inprogress_clothe = None
upgrade_quality = 0
upgrade_timer = 0
def print_flag():
with open("flag.txt", "r") as file:
flag = file.readline().strip()
print(f"Flag: {flag}")
except FileNotFoundError:
print("No flag found. If you're getting this on the server, message an admin.")
print("If you're getting this locally, try on the server!")
def help():
print(f"You have {money} moneyz, 1 moneyz buys 1 swagz")
print(f"You have {clothes_count} clothes")
print("What do you want?")
print("1. Buy clothes")
print("2. Sell clothes")
print("3. Upgrade clothes")
print("4. Assess swag")
def buy_clothes():
global money, clothes_count
if clothes_count > 9:
print("Your wardrobe is full. Maybe one day you can upgrade to a bigger wardrobe.")
return False
quality = 0
while True:
quality = int(input("What quality clothes would you like to buy? (1-5)\n> "))
if quality < 1 or quality > 5:
print("Invalid input. Quality must be between 1 and 5.")
elif quality > money:
print("Not enough money to buy this quality of clothes.")
except ValueError:
print("Invalid input. Please enter a number.")
money -= quality
clothes_count += 1
return True
def sell_clothes():
global money, clothes_count
if clothes_count == 0:
print("No clothes to sell")
return False
c = input("Sell your last clothe? (y/n)\n> ").strip().lower()
if c != 'y':
return False
money += clothes[-1]
clothes_count -= 1
return True
def queue_upgrade_clothes():
global money, upgrade_quality, upgrade_timer, inprogress_clothe
index = -1
quality = 0
while True:
index = int(input("Cut hole in which clothe?\n> "))
if index < 0 or index >= clothes_count:
print("Invalid input. Index out of range.")
except ValueError:
print("Invalid input. Please enter a number.")
while True:
quality = int(input("How many holes? (1-5)\n> "))
if quality < 1 or quality > 5:
print("Invalid input. Quality must be between 1 and 5.")
elif quality > money:
print("Not enough money to upgrade to this quality.")
except ValueError:
print("Invalid input. Please enter a number.")
money -= quality
upgrade_quality = clothes[index] + quality
upgrade_timer = quality
inprogress_clothe = clothes[index]
print(f"Your clothes will be ready in {quality}")
return True
def apply_upgrade():
global inprogress_clothe, upgrade_quality, upgrade_timer
inprogress_clothe = upgrade_quality
inprogress_clothe = None
upgrade_quality = 0
upgrade_timer = 0
print("Your upgrade is done!")
def assess():
swag = sum(clothes)
print(f"You have {swag} swagz")
if money > 100:
print("Ah, a true entrepreneur")
def menu():
global money
option = 0
if inprogress_clothe and upgrade_timer > 0:
upgrade_timer -= 1
option = int(input("> "))
except ValueError:
print("Invalid input. Please enter a number.")
result = True
if option == 1:
result = buy_clothes()
elif option == 2:
result = sell_clothes()
elif option == 3:
result = queue_upgrade_clothes()
elif option == 4:
if not result:
print("Something went wrong :(")
def main():
sys.stdout = open(1, 'w', 1) # Unbuffered output
for _ in range(300):
print("You died of old age.")
if __name__ == "__main__":
This Python script replicates the behavior of the C code you provided. It allows you to perform actions such as buying clothes, selling clothes, upgrading clothes, and assessing your swag.
I have this next chall name YooEyyEff with the source code Are you an entrepreneur? Do you have what it takes? nc 33146 #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> int clothes[10]; int clothes_count = 0; int money = 10; int inprogress_clothe = NULL; int upgrade_quality = 0; int upgrade_timer = 0; void print_flag() { char buf[0x80]; FILE file; if ((file = fopen("flag.txt", "r")) != NULL) { fgets(buf, sizeof(buf), file); printf("Flag: %s\n", buf); } else { printf("No flag found. If you're getting this on the server, message an admin.\n" "If you're getting this locally, try on the server!\n"); } } void help() { printf("------------------------\n"); printf("You have %d moneyz, 1 moneyz buys 1 swagz\n", money); printf("You have %d clothes\n", clothes_count); printf("What do you want?\n"); printf("1. Buy clothes\n"); printf("2. Sell clothes\n"); printf("3. Upgrade clothes\n"); printf("4. Assess swag\n"); } int buy_clothes() { if (clothes_count > 9) { printf("Your wardrobe is full. Maybe one day you can upgrade to a bigger wardrobe.\n"); return 0; } int quality = 0; printf("What quality clothes would you like to buy? (1-5)\n"); printf("> "); scanf("%d", &quality); if (money < quality || quality < 1 || quality > 5) return 0; money -= quality; int cloth = malloc(sizeof(int)); cloth = quality; clothes[clothes_count++] = cloth; return 1; } int sell_clothes() { if (clothes_count == 0) { printf("No clothes to sell\n"); return 0; } char c = 0; printf("Sell your last clothe? (y/n)\n"); printf("> "); while (c != 'y' && c != 'n') scanf("%c", &c); if (c != 'y') return 0; money += clothes[clothes_count-1]; free(clothes[--clothes_count]); return 1; } int queue_upgrade_clothes() { int index = -1; int quality = 0; printf("Cut hole in which clothe?\n"); printf("> "); scanf("%d", &index); if (index < 0 || index >= clothes_count) return 0; printf("How many holes? (1-5)\n"); printf("> "); scanf("%d", &quality); if (money < quality || quality < 1 || quality > 5) return 0; money -= quality; upgrade_quality = clothes[index] + quality; upgrade_timer = quality; inprogress_clothe = clothes[index]; printf("Your clothes will be ready in %d\n", quality); return 1; } void apply_upgrade() { inprogress_clothe = upgrade_quality; inprogress_clothe = NULL; upgrade_quality = 0; upgrade_timer = 0; printf("Your upgrade is done!\n"); } void assess() { int swag = 0; for (int i = 0; i < clothes_count; ++i) { swag += *clothes[i]; } printf("You have %d swagz\n", swag); if (money > 100) { printf("Ah, a true entrepreneur\n"); print_flag(); } } void menu() { int option = 0; help(); if (inprogress_clothe && --upgrade_timer == 0) apply_upgrade(); printf("> "); scanf("%d", &option); int result = 1; switch(option) { case 1: result = buy_clothes(); break; case 2: result = sell_clothes(); break; case 3: result = queue_upgrade_clothes(); break; case 4: assess(); break; default: break; } if (!result) { printf("Something went wrong :(\n"); } } int main() { setvbuf(stdout, NULL, _IONBF, 0); for (int i = 0; i < 300; ++i) { menu(); } printf("You died of old age.\n"); return 0; }
i need it in python script
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