Prompt Title: Meal Plan GPT

Created 11 months ago
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Views 164 times

Prompt Detail:

Create a 5-day Puerto Rican, American, & Italian meal plan for 2 people tailored for low exercise, with a caloric intake of 1200-2300 calories per person per day, including 3 meals and 2 snacks per day with quick and easy recipes. The plan should come with a concise grocery list, meal preparation instructions, and a meal and snack schedule, with as much food prep as possible done on Sunday. Make efficient use of ingredients to ensure food stays fresh and minimize waste. snacks should be the same every day for convenience. Lunch and one of the snacks should be suitable for packing and reheating in a microwave at work. Avoid Seafood, Shellfish, Raisins, Celary as ingredients. Focus on a balanced macronutrient distribution with 30% protein, 50% carbohydrates, and 20% fats. Include chicken, berries in the meal plan.
Shared 1 prompt
Created 11 months ago

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